To ipod or not to ipod

vaultingSlinky said:
Although the sound quality has come out top for the iPod in a couple of magazine reviews I have read.

If it wasnt for some people no one would know things other than ipods exist. I trust what i hear off other people than a pokey magazine.
Only one thing to add - which will open a can of worms...

The ZVM and reportible the iPod distorts badly on bass heavy tracks.

Eg the first bass note on Basement Jaxx Good Luck sounds like a fart on my ZVM as it distorts so bad!

If you want a bass monster - go with Sony or iAudio
vaultingSlinky said:
They also rate the ZVM as an extremely good player, equal pretty much to the ipod, I guess I should ignore that too.

I'm sorry but magazines are good as reference point to get you started off, and at the end of the day its just another persons opinion.

No need to shoot me down like that :rolleyes:

wow you can take your rolleyes back matey. its a fact that mag's will rate whoever pays them more. just like whatHIFI, just like CustomPC. Take it with a pinch of salt and nothing more. Dont get arsey over it, just search the net and you'll find what i've said to be true.

just look at the facts - better sound, better screen, better battery life...but the ipod is rated higher? why?
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which is crazy because zvm sounds better than an ipod video. though if memory serves me the ipod is better if you want a line-out.

there's no need to be an arse with me but you have got to understand tht mags really dont have your interests at heart. take a look at mags and see products winning group tests, then turn the page to see an advert for the winner or the company behind the test winner. it's no coincidence. Mags are good for the facts, but not a lot else.

Im not anti-apple or anti-anything, but for everything the ipod video does, the ZVM has it beat for now.
Woh - getting a bit heated here.

Anyway, final questions. I have decided I'm gonna buy the ZVM but should I go for black or white? This prolly sounds like a stupid question but I have read numerous posts about the black scratching easily. Don't all players scratch, like the metallic back plate on an ipod? Black is my first preference but maybe white be a safer bet. As for those rubber covers/sheaths, do they work?
The black player scrathes easily, but no less easily than the ipods so thats 50/50 there. Ive bought a leather case for mine, and whilst its stopped it getting scrathed so badly, it has made the white back of the player a darkish colour.
Looking at a certain music selling website and they claim theres a new iPod video coming out this week? It claims to have a longer battery life and to be smaller, is this right or are they just a bit slow?
I saw that too - I think this is the revamped model - 6th generation perhaps? Got lots of coverage last week after the Apple press conference. In on of my earlier posts I raised this ie does it address some of the shortcomings in earlier models.
Why not? I have never used it.

I know its not a huge amount of money but I just want to buy something that easy to use and reliable. Nothing worse than spending good money on somehting that gives you more pain than pleasure!
grahamjenks said:
Sadly you'll have to put up with Itunes 7 if you get a new Ipod - and at the moment that isn't really a very good thing!

Why? I've never used iTunes with any of my iPods, there's anapod explorer which is about $15 and also Winamp now has a plugin for iPods by default :)
probedb said:
Why? I've never used iTunes with any of my iPods, there's anapod explorer which is about $15 and also Winamp now has a plugin for iPods by default :)

True, I was being a little facetious and referring to the very flakey nature of the new version of Itunes. If I bought an Ipod and found the intergrated software for my PC to be as bad as it is in the form of Itunes 7 - I'd feel a little ripped off!
I had an Iriver H-120 which was an arse with copying the songs to its hard drive, creating play lists on Winamp and copying them across etc!
I dont know about the ZVM, but the ipod is ace for this. Just plug it in and away it goes sync'ing everything!
I have a EOS-350D camera and can download the pics from that direct to the ipod, so its great at making the flash in that last way longer to!
Lastly, I board, and the only a**e is not having a remote for it, but other than that have had no sound issues, or distortion, or scratches (its always in a crystal case mind!) and is truely an ace bit of kit!
Just want a MP3 streamer now so can hook up my PC upstairs to my surround sound DVD player downstairs!!!
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