To partition or not?

18 Oct 2002
Newcastle, England
I have my new drive formatted and installed, its a WD AAKS 320 gig, formatted it is 298 GB. Now I'm gonna use it for XP and Games dual booting vista on a separate drive.

But was wondering to partition it say 200 gig for XP and games and the rest for Downloads?

What you all reckon?
your drive wont get as fragmented if you use the 2nd partition for downloads

personally i never partition, i just buy more drives and keep more backups on them
If that's the only drive in your system then I'd be inclined to partition it so that you've got a place to store personal data other then on the system disk. This would allow you to scrap the main OS partition if needed at a later date without having to go through the worry of finding and backing up your data.
o&o defrag is your friend

can defrag the drive for you everyday when you're using the pc (without noticable slowdown) to keep it in tip top condition
I have O&O and I didnt like it at all. Its not the only drive in my PC I also have a Raptor 74gig with Vista x64 on and now the new AAKS. :)
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