Today is my Wedding day :)

I'm on my 2nd wedding (wife) :o First one was a disaster

I thought the world of my first wife, unfortunately, marrying at 21, I thought the world of every beautiful girl that came down the pike and didn’t have the good sense to avert my eyes.
She was no dummy, and kicked my rear end into touch, and who could blame her?
Eleven or twelve years in the wilderness, but having a ball, then I eventually met the nutty redhead, and thank the good Lord that I did, I ain’t gonna screw this one up.
I thought the world of my first wife, unfortunately, marrying at 21, I thought the world of every beautiful girl that came down the pike and didn’t have the good sense to avert my eyes.
She was no dummy, and kicked my rear end into touch, and who could blame her?
Eleven or twelve years in the wilderness, but having a ball, then I eventually met the nutty redhead, and thank the good Lord that I did, I ain’t gonna screw this one up.

Yeah I married young and regretted it. Should have to be 25 to marry. Would save a lot of mistakes lol
Any tips on the groom's speech?

Thank both sets of parents for whatever they contributed to the day, perhaps giving the bride’s mother a special mention.
Say how lovely the bridesmaids looked, but don’t arouse suspicion by laying it on too thick, and DEFINITELY don’t single one out as extra beautiful, especially if she’s the bride’s sister!
Thank everyone for coming and making the day more special by their presence, raise a glass to the bride’s father for giving you her hand in marriage, then tell everyone to enjoy the reception.
Say how lovely the bridesmaids looked, but don’t arouse suspicion by laying it on too thick, and DEFINITELY don’t single one out as extra beautiful, especially if she’s the bride’s sister!
:cry::cry::cry: 10/10
Thank both sets of parents for whatever they contributed to the day, perhaps giving the bride’s mother a special mention.
Say how lovely the bridesmaids looked, but don’t arouse suspicion by laying it on too thick, and DEFINITELY don’t single one out as extra beautiful, especially if she’s the bride’s sister!
Thank everyone for coming and making the day more special by their presence, raise a glass to the bride’s father for giving you her hand in marriage, then tell everyone to enjoy the reception.

Brill, thanks for your wisdom :)
Just got back from Honeymoon,

fantastic time, Iceland is damn expensive but was worth every penny.



Back to normal life next week :(
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