**TODAY ONLY! 09/12/2013** Asus RAIDR 240GB SSD & Gigabyte Z87X-OC Force Motherboard

The thing is, the rumours are Z97 Chipset will be probally out around May, they usually release a chipset around then - so new motherboards.

Also Broadwell CPU's on same socket, who really knows when they will be out, the Intel charts say Q4 2014, but knowing Intel they will either bring it back, or delay it. They are supposed to run 30% cooler than Haswell.

There is always something new on the horizon with computers, whatever you buy today will likely be cheaper in 3 months time.

Broadwell 30% cooler than Haswell sounds unlikely.
I looked at that board when i set out to build a z87 setup, but the cost was extremely high. Opted for the MVIF instead at £259.99, wish id had a chrystal ball.:D

Ah, don't we all? Just like when I was thinking about buying a few BTC back when they were cheap, but thought they would just become worthless in a years time...how wrong I was!
Kaktus69 said:
There is always something new on the horizon with computers, whatever you buy today will likely be cheaper in 3 months time.
Yeah, very true. If just thought about whats on the horizon all the time, would never buy anything for years, and you see that a lot on various forums.

Once you get into an upgrade routine it's hard to get out of lol. :)
Kaktus69 said:
Broadwell 30% cooler than Haswell sounds unlikely.
Ahh it was a chip for Ultrabooks, not a desktop, so none the wiser lol. :)


I keep looking at that Gigabyte Z87X-OC Force and I just am dying to buy it, was so close to buying it in the Black Friday sales, but resisted temptation lol. :o

me too, when it was £219.95, £239.99 still a very very good price, but I'm not going to upgrade from a 3770k to a 4770k, the cost/benefit wouldn't be good.

Also in my opinion Tri fire/sli would be the max for a 4770k, even that I think it would bottleneck a little bit, quad fire/sli is a big NO.
The amount of info leaked about Skylake already - I don't think Broadwell will be delayed as they're still showing Skylake Q1/2 2015. Less than a year of 'premium' (release time) for Broadwell will really mean the prices stay high?

Then again talk of Skylake being 'released' into the Xeon architecture first might mean we don't see it till Q4/Q1 of 2016 (which would give Broadwell much longer market time).
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