** Today Only 14/01/2012 ** MSI ATI Radeon HD 6970 2048MB Twin Frozr III & Kingston HyperX Genesis

Wanted 2 sets of the kingston but looks like its limited to one per customer so will have to leave it.

Get a friend/partner/pet to make an account and deliver it to a relatives address? Sure you'd have to pay for shipping though, but the saving more than covers that :)
It was said about a daily deal a few weeks back but it might have been one of the Christmas calender ones thinking about it, can you not cancel the order if it won't let you place a second one anyway?

Maybe a member of staff will see this and respond.
Any chance i can send back my Sapphire hd 6970 2GB that i bought a couple of months ago and have one of these instead?? i really dont like reference cooler+blue pcb :(
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