** TODAY ONLY 30/07/2012 ** Asus Vulcan ANC ROG Gaming Headset & Crucial RealSSD M4 128GB SSD

wish you'd put the vulcans up a few days ago... just bought Siberias again and although I like the sound, they look gimpish and break easily :(
I would love to give everyone the drive at a crazy price but giving away a product for less than it costs to buy is not very good business sense :D

Actually it is very good business sense when used right. Companies often use 'loss leaders' to drive customers through the door.

"A loss leader, or simply a leader, is a product sold at a low price (at cost or below cost) to stimulate other profitable sales. It is a kind of sales promotion, in other words marketing concentrating on a pricing strategy. A loss leader is often a popular article. Sometimes leader is now used as a related term and means any popular article, in other words one sold at a normal price". Source: Wikipedia sadly
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