Today's Photographs

5 May 2004
Northern Ireland

These where all shot with a 70-200 F4 L on a 30D. All the exif information should still be embedded in the images. All the images where shot in RAW. Converted using RSE. Using the Normal contrast preset and 50+ on the saturation. Leveled, and USMed in CS2 and then saved to jpeg.





Comments welcome
A bit too oversaturrated for my tastes - the green in the first one is quite unnatural in appearance and distracts me from the main subject.

In my experience L lenses generally give a good/pleasing level of saturation straight out of the camera and rarely require a boost.

The composition is a bit too centre focus point orientated - in some of those (i'm thinking of #1 and #3) you could should fill more of the frame with the subject
I like to picture of the dog but its too green for me need to tone it down a touch. The coffee image is also nice but could do with correcting as it doesnt appear to be very level and very sharp.
Some one call the IAEA, there seems to be a large amount of radioactive waste near that dog!

I think the coffee shot has potential, but the composition needs changing the the lighting needs to be more controlled.
xolotl said:
Some one call the IAEA, there seems to be a large amount of radioactive waste near that dog!

I think the coffee shot has potential, but the composition needs changing the the lighting needs to be more controlled.

The coffee shot was just a quick snapshot as my mum was making coffee.

The full size crops, although they are sharp, are not as sharp as I would expect from that lens. I think the problem here is that maybe you've used it handheld. Try upping the shutter speed.
Nothing wrong with those 100% crops imo. It's deffo been lost with poor processing. I also think they're very over-saturated.
nomore said:
The full size crops, although they are sharp, are not as sharp as I would expect from that lens. I think the problem here is that maybe you've used it handheld. Try upping the shutter speed.

The one of my mum was shot at 1/640 sec at 70mm. Thats more than plenty for that focal lenght. Although it was shot at F4.

A random name said:
I suspect that you've ruined your shots with stupid amounts of JPEG compression... Simple as.

800x533 at 64KB would suggest that could be the case. I think adding +50 saturation could have knackered them a bit too...
A random name said:
I suspect that you've ruined your shots with stupid amounts of JPEG compression... Simple as.

I did resize them using the Windows resizer, I think. I'll recovert the Raw files and then post those up for you.

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