Today's Postal Strike

The irony of striking is amazing. The Royal Mail bleeding money, losing contracts, making a loss coupled with a need to modernize to keep up.

So what does the union do, call a strike, costing the Royal Mail, money and thus having even less scope to give the staff a pay rise and in all likelihood accelerate the need for job cuts to lower costs!
Have to say I totally agree with Royal Mails stance on this. Their demands are just ridiculous considering that Royal Mail is loosing money and needs to modernise to stay competitive.
What we need is a competition marketplace for mail delivery. If I had a choice of another letter carrier that was more reliable I'd happily pay a premium for that service. I'm quite tempted to ask Royal Mail for a refund on the Special Delivery items I'm currently waiting for, as they've failed to deliver in 24hrs. Hopefully they'll take the refund out of some striking postman's pay-cheque.
I think it's silly... they're striking because the Royal Mail needs to modernise to get profits up, aren't they? So people might loose their jobs?

Well my point is - if I'm right - surely it's either:

A) Don't modernise Royal Mail. Profits go down as modernised (cheaper and just as effective) competitors win. Royal Mail has to sack people anyway due to loss of profit and custom.

B) Do modernise Royal Mail. Profits stay or go up. Royal Mail has to sack people because of modernisation, but the company keeps making profit.

So surely the strike will only take the company down with them? Rather than some people just accepting the fact that they need to be replaced with machines?
In the 1960's my dad installed the first computer to sort mail in the Royal mail sorting centre in Portsmouth. I think it was the first of its kind in the country. Should I feel guilty for all the people that have not gotten sorting jobs because these machines can do the job faster and cheaper?

Well I don't so there.. hah.
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