Personally I think the fairest way to do things is to dramatically reduce account charges, and introduce a monthy fee for all customers. Why anyone thinks it's their god given right to be able to bank for free is beyond me. You pay for your mobile, gas/electricity and other products and services you use, so why the heck does anyone think it's their right to enjoy free banking at the expense of the poorest people?
I don’t want to enjoy free banking at the expense of poor people, I want to enjoy free banking at the expense of ‘stupid’ or, put it another way, those who spend what they don’t have and think they can get away with it people.
I’ve already said that if you’re in debt due to circumstances beyond control then yes, the charges are high. I’m merely upset as it does mean eventually I will loose the enjoyment of free banking.
The ones that have been flippant with their finances have afforded me one less fee each month, so I’m just sore that eventually they’ll no longer do this for me.
As I said, it is a selfish act on my half, I do not wish to see those who are poor help me to keep my account healthy. My account is healthy as I’ve built up three months salary as a buffer, and have savings. Something I didn’t have when I first started working, but then I also never went overdrawn so badly, that I ended up with charge after charge being levied on my account.
You live within your means, some do some don’t, and the ones that don’t well, you help give free banking to those that do…
It’s the ones that are thrust into debt due to redundancy, or illness that I do feel sorry for. That’s something that is just beyond control, and sometimes these so called protection packages don’t do all they should to help avert this. Those who however spend without regard to how well their finances are, well you get.
I’m going to be pointed out as a bad guy for saying this, but if you got charged for being reckless with your account, then tough. Sorry, but that’s how I feel.
If however you got stung due to change in life, then I am sorry, at least now you might get some of it back….