Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Revealed

i know ^_^ no worries. but ideally i'd like to be able to play with people on my friendlist. not just to fill it up for no reason.

Should have joined us then :p.

How many are you normally on with?

Wouldn't mind getting some OCUK games going 5v5 if anyone's up for it? Assuming anyone's bad enough to rival my skill :D.
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Might join you as the guys I normally play with aren't always on.

If you still need a fifth that is.

Sorry man just saw this, yeah of course you're welcome. I'm down south away from my pc until the fourth but it'd be nice to have a full squad on ts. I'm The_Devrij on uplay. Since some bugger nicked my name on there.
Well enjoy yourself sure we can meet up for some games at some point.

Discord a getting quite busy occasionally so if you're down a couple jump on and I'm sure there will be some available for games.

That was an awesome job bg.

I'm tempted to abuse shield now :D.

Edit: let's get a list going off people who play;

If you can think of anything to add to that let me know. Wasn't sure if preferred comms method was worth it.
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This game has the best community I have ever come across, bar none.

Now I'm not usually one to do it, but I game most xmas's and you tend to see that ingame if someone says 'merry xmas' they usually get loads of **** back.

So, I thought lets see what the R6S community is like. 2AM xmas morning (for us) and I'm that guy. I say 'merry xmas, gl hf'.

Guess what I get back?

u2, or merry xmas.

minimum was 6 times, max was 8. In a total of 3 games.

Hands down this is one of the most pleasant gaming expeiences I have ever had, not just tonight but that standard every night. People compliment each other on good things and I think ive only seen negative comments twice, both by people who just quit the match early.

I think I love this game.
Community is great on the whole :). Very few toxic players I've come across.

It really is. Worst I've had is where is I nipped out for a smoke and let my cousin have a go, he didnt know what key did what or how to play the game, worst he got was one guy saying 'are you a retard'.

He explained he had never played before, never played the maps and the guy just left it at that which was nice.

Other than that had one match that 3 of the enemy team were spouting nazi stuff at all of us constantly, so just left the match, thats the only bad exp ive had really.
Worst I've personally had is backseat shooters telling me what to do and getting a bit aggroed when I don't do as they say :D.

Ah yeah I get that but don't class that as bad. I got one guy last week shouting at me non stop to switch my mouse sensitivity down lol, as if I hadn't got used to it :p
Down? :eek: the only way is up! Think I'm running 3200 can't stand having to move the mouse too much.

Other than a clan called isis with relevant names were even remotely offensive (to some) however they were actually really nice lol.

Or me solo killing 4 guys but getting taken out by the last after my team died "****ing noob uninstall" but that made me laugh more than anything :D.
Down? :eek: the only way is up! Think I'm running 3200 can't stand having to move the mouse too much.

Other than a clan called isis with relevant names were even remotely offensive (to some) however they were actually really nice lol.

Or me solo killing 4 guys but getting taken out by the last after my team died "****ing noob uninstall" but that made me laugh more than anything :D.

See I'm rank 21 but havent bothered playing any compet yet and only run into one clan who complimented us on how well we randomers had managed to defend which was nice.

I had a few uninstall comments over the free weekend from people that I carried to a win so just left the game until sunday night :D
Should come join us mate if you don't have a team. We're not always 5 up and 4 man queues are annoyingly slow (3 and 5 is fine though :confused:),

Yeah I've got you added on uplay but ive been off for a few days with the mrs, shes back home for xmas so ill be on from now till the 30th.

Only prob is, I'm a team player, had some epic games tonight actually, (with one epic game saving callout made by me thank-you-very-much) however because I can't memorise many maps I tend to be of the approach 'blow it open and see what happens'.

I prefer to play offence Ash, and decoy breach other side of team, wait 45 secs then clear or defence Mute, block obj then hide other side of map and clear.

When im playing with randoms this works really well, but kind of depends how you guys want to play? I've seen too many just follow blindly down stairs and get one shotted one by one.
Not going to lie our general tactics seem to revolve around screaming "COME GET SOME" and "RAMBO" for the opening moments then grouping up to finalise the ending. 9/10 it works well :D.

I don't really know any of the maps that well :(. I keep getting turned around except for maybe plane and bank.
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