Tom Hardy to Star in 'Venom'

I think Batman vs Superman generally killed off my excitement for anymore 'superhero' films and the reaction to suicide squad (which I haven't seen yet) even more so.
You'd think they'd wait for some feedback on Homecoming first, it's not as if any of the other spiderman movies have been any good.
I got sick of superhero films years ago. They're all exactly the same, with the exception of maybe Deadpool which dared to be a little different. It's just easy money, isn't it...
I believe the young uns are calling it 'superhero-porn' fix

Anyhow big disappointment the new Venom film is set in the Sony Marvel universe not the existing Sony/Marvel universe ie spiderman and Avengers.
Its quite sad to see companies holding onto dear life and not sharing the universe properly with 20th century Fox being the worst culprits, its no wonder why
Marvel has pretty much stopped fantastic four comics (due to low sales) and pretty much stalled on the X-men or Mutant universe and more emphasis on Avengers and other marvel owned characters.
Better than I thought it'd be so far, Not be long before the proper trailer drops and Tom Hardy has his face covered as is tradition.
I remember reading Secret Wars and Spiderman, with him under the bells to remove the symbiote, how do you have a Venom without Spiderman in the creation story? Are we imagining they will de-Spiderman Venom as a character entirely?
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