Tomb Raider 2 remake (1 level demo)

Aah, cheers for the reminder, was looking forward to this one for a while!
Cont download though :(
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Will try the alternative links :)
Looks stunning!
How do you make big jumps here? There used to be walk button which you'd use to come up to the edge, make one hop backward for that perfect tun up. But walk button doesn't stop her from falling now and there is no hop back...
Yeah looks good but brings a GTX1080 to its knees @ 4K maxxed out right now no real optimisation!
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Nearly finished it now its very impressive for free. I hope Square Enix hire this team to redo the entire game 2nd 1997 game they have the talent for sure! (most likely they will slap a C&D on it soon though its too good for free!).
Never played Tomb Raider 2, but this remake is so different to modern games- slower paced, no hand holding... In fact my mate thought that the demo ended with the locked door and smashed cog mech as this puzzle has no lighted up path to solution or any such bs so common in todays games.
Is it the first level? Are the t-rexes in it?
Only t-igers.
I wish it was the Venice levels. Have great memories of playing this and TR1 back in the day on my PS1.

Hopefully they can use the original music as it wouldnt be the same without it.

This brings back some great memories... Would love a full remake with original music.
If they could also do the third game, I'd be in heaven.

The animations need some work but it's really impressive for such a project.
Never played Tomb Raider 2, but this remake is so different to modern games- slower paced, no hand holding... In fact my mate thought that the demo ended with the locked door and smashed cog mech as this puzzle has no lighted up path to solution or any such bs so common in todays games.

Only t-igers.
Y'know, though, when I first played TR2, it was one of the games I got with my PlayStation, having just moved from SNES. I got through about 5 levels before realising you could save mid-level.

It didn't seem especially strange to have to keep retrying each level, incrementally improving and learning all the traps, as that's how games had always been for me.

Was pretty ******* hard work though :D

(the t-rexes were pretty well hidden in the original TR2; that's why I wondered if they'd bothered adding them in)
Was wondering why when starting this demo, Oculus home started and the sound would come from my Rift hmd. Swiviver has a youtube video of him playing this in VR.

Add -vr to shortcut properties.
(the t-rexes were pretty well hidden in the original TR2; that's why I wondered if they'd bothered adding them in)
I've completed this demo twice now, but not met them yet :)
I would buy this remake in a heartbeat, Tomb Raider 2013+ leave me completely cold though. This demo is just so much more satisfying.
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