Tomb Raider 2 remake (1 level demo)

Didnt see any zip wires either :)
Demo ends when you climb down the hole punched through by the stone that you push from some balcony.
Ahh, I guess it's not the full level 1. And possibly it's been updated: don't remember that hole business

I've downloaded, will try to play when I get chance
Anyone tried it with Xfire ?, only getting around 35-40fps maxed out at 1440p with a single, gona activate my second card to give it a try :p

Looks great! :D

EDIT: Just remembered, it wont as its UE4 engine, second card is working, but still getting the same frame-rate :p
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Is it the first level? Are the t-rexes in it?

Were they in the first level? I know they were in TR1... oh I remember now they were in level 4 The Lost Valley

Climb down into the pit that you zip wire over right towards the end. If memory serves.

Thats the one. Its not exactly the same there were a couple of tigers in the start area there are none that I can find here. Richard Dorton's diary thats a new one too. Its more of an reimagining than a remake from what I can see.

Never played Tomb Raider 2, but this remake is so different to modern games- slower paced, no hand holding... In fact my mate thought that the demo ended with the locked door and smashed cog mech as this puzzle has no lighted up path to solution or any such bs so common in todays games.

Only t-igers.

Its still too hand-holdy for me auto-grab every ledge, try to jump off a ledge.. can't do that she flips around and auto-grabs it instead. Frustrating. Still havn't figured out the big jump to escape the start area. Does look nice though.
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Its still too hand-holdy for me auto-grab every ledge, try to jump off a ledge.. can't do that she flips around and auto-grabs it instead. Frustrating. Still havn't figured out the big jump to escape the start area. Does look nice though.
Auto grab can be disabled in the options.
I've set my xbox360 pad L1 button to walk/grab. For big jumps give lara some space for a run up and then run with full deflection of left thumb stick+R1 button (not sure about keyboard controls, but probably direction+run button again), then press jump just before she reaches the edge. Hold L1 to grab (if you disabled autograb, if not - she'll grab automatically).
Wow that Venice Violins music takes me right back...TR2 was such an amazing experience at the time. Will never forget the broken neck death after a very high fall.
Just watched a playthrough on Youtube and it looks great. Only little thing I didnt like were the sunglasses as they look a bit silly and would go flying after the first jump. Plus the original didnt have them. Hopefully there might be a few skins to choose if they do make the full game.

Its made me want to play throught the original again, but i remember it being a massive pain last time i tried as there is no controller support :(.
I loved the original 3 TRs back in the day but I was too young to fully grasp half of the puzzles, a lot of cheating ensued. That remake looks beautiful though. Venice levels were great, speeding about on the speedboat, battering into everything :)
I loved the original 3 TRs back in the day but I was too young to fully grasp half of the puzzles, a lot of cheating ensued. That remake looks beautiful though. Venice levels were great, speeding about on the speedboat, battering into everything :)

I had this conversation not so long ago with a friend.

When you say cheating, how did you cheat? We didn't have the likes of YouTube and the internet wasn't really that accessible back in the mid 90's (it's a serious question) :)

My mate and I jest about how gaming has made us dumber over the years, games back then seemed to be far more difficult and made you use your brain rather than hold your hand.
I had this conversation not so long ago with a friend.

When you say cheating, how did you cheat? We didn't have the likes of YouTube and the internet wasn't really that accessible back in the mid 90's (it's a serious question) :)

My mate and I jest about how gaming has made us dumber over the years, games back then seemed to be far more difficult and made you use your brain rather than hold your hand.
This was back in the days when you got cheat codes in magazines or cheat manuals. I remember having what was basically a book full of cheat codes (which were just a combination of button presses in sequence) for hundreds of games. There were loads for TR; unlock all weapons, all levels, unlimited ammo, exploding lara for the lol. Can't remember what else.

Edit: think there was even a cheat for 'all keys' so if you needed a key for a door and couldn't beat the puzzle to get it, just use the code to get the key. I was roughly 7-9 years old at this time so I doubt I felt bad about it...
Anyone else have an issue where it starts SteamVR? For some reason I cannot start the executable without it starting my Vive headset ?!
I had this conversation not so long ago with a friend.

When you say cheating, how did you cheat? We didn't have the likes of YouTube and the internet wasn't really that accessible back in the mid 90's (it's a serious question) :)

My mate and I jest about how gaming has made us dumber over the years, games back then seemed to be far more difficult and made you use your brain rather than hold your hand.
I remember putting the TR2 cd into my stereo and playing the audio tracks. One of them was the sound of a shower and Lara saying, in a sultry voice, "Don't you think you've seen enough?" followed by a gunshot.

This was quite exciting for 15-year old Cheesyboy. I imagined this was the fabled "nude Lara " secret. Used cheat codes to level-skip to the finale. Was disappointed to find it wasn't as revealing as hoped :D
What's most amazing about this is that it works with 21:9 displays flawlessly with no tweaks needed. AAA 2017 games can't even get this right, and here we have a fan made remake of a game generations old with it.
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