Tomb Raider I - III Remastered

I think I know what Wunkey is on about, but it's only really observed when static, which explains the menu showing it. If you stand still and hold the look key, look at Lara's leg edges, you will see some aliasing. In normal gameplay and motion this is not noticeable which is why we've been seeing a clean render all this time.

Objectively does it really matter? I don't think it does, but there is a super easy solution without having to faff about with reshade, SMAA injection etc.

Simply override the AA settings in NVCP for the game only:


Testing comparison I just did as I figured credit where due, an observation is an observation however small so it should be looked into a bit further

This is at 3440x1440, at 5160x2160 it's even less noticeable.

GPU power draw goes up to a whopping 60 watts, and an extra CPU thread is utilised. How will we cope with that kind of consumption :p

For some reason your settings cause issues with the game. It does make it look slightly cleaner but for some reason after a few seconds of running around the game starts hitching, including these long 3 second pauses during which the game is still running but doesn't accept any control inputs and disable your settings fixed it. Playing this game with any lag is unbearable so those settings are unusable

Edit: nevermind it's not the settings, it's the level I was on in tomb raider 1, a certain section of that level is buggy and stutters and freezes
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You can change the swap chain settings at the bottom of that window to see if that makes a difference. I'm on level 5 and all good so far.
I would never use any in-game menu to showcase an issue. So many games lock the menus at 60fps or render them different. Just as I wouldn't ever judge a Resident Evil game by the in-game cut scenes. Or use that as a baseline to prove an issue either.

Are you being purposefully obtuse or can you not actually read? - Genuine question.

I don't know how to say it any other way, but it's the same in game too. See the comparison slider pic @mrk posted a link to.
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Yeah I am using the tank controls now, but my binds are custom as the default ones are whack and feel like they are for satan worshippers :p
has the game had any patches yet? seen a few reviewers not giving it good reviews because it has issues visually it does look nice.I've used open lara in the past.
Why modern controls are unusable in many areas of confinement:

Tank controls are a bit better with the camera, a bit...
Stop what? The camera is demonstrably unusable when in corridors, tunnels and backed up against a wall as it spazzes out and/or obscures the floor, which kind of is a big deal considering the grid system to position Lara is the main game mechanic.

Hence why having mouse look when in tank controls would be a best of both worlds scenario as the auto camera move and position in tank controls is much better than modern controls.
Stop what? The camera is demonstrably unusable when in corridors, tunnels and backed up against a wall as it spazzes out and/or obscures the floor, which kind of is a big deal considering the grid system to position Lara is the main game mechanic.

Hence why having mouse look when in tank controls would be a best of both worlds scenario as the auto camera move and position in tank controls is much better than modern controls.

Use the camera button to reset it, I bound it RB on my controller - anytime the camera isn't doing what I want, I press RB and the camera is reset to o perfectly behind Lara again

I'm now on the second last level in Tomb Raider 1 using modern controls
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The cam reset is all well and great when you're not in a tight corridor like the one shown above. The reset does nothing useful in modern controls mode as the floor is quite literally obscured due to the way the camera positions behind Lara in modern controls mode. It does not do this in tank controls.

Hence my point that allowing mouse look in tank controls would give the best of both worlds.
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I'm not having that issue, slow walk and camera reset is your friend

sure it can be better but it's a buggy cheap game I don't think anything will change and I'm not even sure how many of these bugs are new and how many are stuck in the original game - these games were always known for their issues as they were rushed games, all the OG tomb raider games were built in 8 month development cycles by having the staff work 12 to 14 hours a day for 8 months, and the number of staff was tiny - Tomb Raider 1 was built by 6 people
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Tried the obstacle course in the mansion, very hard with either controls, maybe I'm just not used to tank controls they're probably what's needed for the slow movements, the modern controls too twitchy have you falling over edges.
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