Tomb Raider (Prime TV Show)

12 Oct 2006
This news started to break last week.

Amazon is in need a quick easy win for their streaming service and have turned to the Tomb Raider franchise.

Tomb Raider should be easy to bank on.

They need

Semi decent writting.

An actress that oozes charisma and a nice set of breasts.

And some caves and tombs for her to play around in.

Every single red blooded male would be happy and tune in every week.

It's that simple.

Can they mess it up?

Why yes. Yes they can.

Well, in comparison to other shows and their writers, PW-B is at least what I would call competent and consistent. I've personally enjoyed most things she's been involved with, however an eyebrow was raised at the sight of this.

Tomb Raider has never taken itself seriously on screen, so why should it now? Hopefully we'll get something fresh instead of ridiculous over the top set pieces or a larp of the video game.
Why yes. Yes they can.
Ooh ooh I know this one! It’s because she’s “woke” yes? Am I doing it right? So we have to hate it before they’ve even shot a frame? Yeah! Down with PWB, this is going to be a total disaster and an embarrassment to the game!! Those Jolie films were absolute works of art and PWB is a total woke ********* who’s going to ruin the memory of such a well respected franchise. That’s how these threads go don’t they? ;)

In truth, I’ve nothing against PWB apart from the fact she’s basically the same age as me and I find it amazing she’s gone from writing herself a little BBC sitcom to being one of Hollywoods most sought after writers :( The only thing she clearly got bored of was Killing Eve which was great in the first two seasons, but rapidly ran out of steam. Probably when she disappeared off to do other things.
Tomb Raider should be easy to bank on.

They need

Semi decent writing.

I'd have stopped your post at this point :)

We can be more than 50% sure already that it won't have even close to decent writing as apparently "Good writing is Lava" to modern day studio writers in my opinion. I think theres a great chance that it will be a flop, that fans will get blamed before and after, that fans will be called horrible names for causing the flop (despite fans being the reason the franchise exists in the first place) and that, once the franchise is left in flaming ruins, those same studio failures who destroyed this franchise will just move onto the next one and do the same thing again.

I would absolutely, genuinely love to 100% wrong about this, but history has shown the there's a greater than 50/50 chance that I'm sadly right.
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Phoebe Waller Bridge is plainly competent as both an actress and writer, the question is more about what are they aiming to give us with this beloved IP. If they try and give the audience something they are expecting and might like then thumbs up. If they follow a sadly too commmon pattern of subverting the genre and telling new stories no one ever wanted well more likely thumbs down. But it is far too early to tell.
I should be in the target audience for this (as a fan of the games) but my immediate thought is, "Meh, it's been done to death". That's just in terms of the overall concept, nothing to do with who is involved in making it.

Are they going for the "classic" Lara or the young Lara from the more recent games?
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Great, so they're going to destroy another IP.

It will probably be based the Lara Croft of the current games, who's constantly overwhelmed and terrified of everything, not the confident and experienced original who kicked ass. lol
Fleabag was very dark at times so surely having PWB on board is a good thing if you like more challenging, emotionally dissonant content...?
I scoffed at Alicia Vikander in tomb raider as didnt think she fit with the theme of the old busty tomb raider films :p but she was damn great tbh. Will give it a chance and that's only fair. You cannot scrapheap a series based on who is writing it.
Can't remember the name of the first bond girl Eva green is it ? Might be getting to old for the running around but ooooo laaa la :)
We had one semi successful film and the sequel was woefully written.

The reboot well that was based on the rebooted games which lost the core of who Lara was and the core mechanics of the original games.

We got a Last of us / Uncharted hybrid.

Give me old school Lara at the peak of her skills and sassy as ****
Vikander was pretty good, it was everything else about the film that was crap.
No pun intended. She was very flat!! (Acting) And the film was pap.
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