Tomb Raider (Prime TV Show)

I read she had a lot of input into the character and dialogue of that awful feminist droid in solo. So I'd say it counts.

She's one of those people who fail upwards, probably because of her political agenda.
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I read she had a lot of input into the character and dialogue of that awful feminist droid in solo. So I'd say it counts.

She's one of those people who fail upwards, probably because of her political agenda.

Uber-posho, so basically gaurateed to fail upwards for life. I mean with that background you have to be a complete loser to fail, like Laurence Fox for example, I mean he had the acting dynasty as well, and still ended up on Twitter drukenly stumbling around his back garden failing to set fire to pride flags...

she should have auditioned to play Brienne in GOT.

Can't see this show being a fun adventure series somehow, probably an education lesson of the wrongs of imperialist explorers stealing artifacts and not respecting other peoples history.

Get joe rogan to be the butler, eddie bravo as side kick that's constantly going on about alien conspiracy theories

Eddie Bravo 8:18 "Once you go flat, you never go back"
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I forgot about that. Tomb raiding is a bit problematic these days.

Yes we have to pretend the past was different to what it was, despite reams of Historical evidence researched by actual Historians and any amount of common sense to the contrary, and that TV shows can go back in time and fix things.

Yes we have to pretend the past was different to what it was, despite reams of Historical evidence researched by actual Historians and any amount of common sense to the contrary, and that TV shows can go back in time and fix things.
It would be amazing if she went back in time to see black cleopatra
Black? THought they were of Greek lineage?

They were, Cleopatra was of Macedonian Heritage - but that doesn't fit the narrative they want (Neflix in this case IIRC) so they made her black, a bit like when BBC pretended Anne Boleyn (16th Century English aristocracy) was black.
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Instead of Lara raiding tombs of artifacts. The season will instead focus on her returning the items to their home countries and apologising to the local population for her part in British colonialism.
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