Tomb Raider - Rise of the Raider PC

30 Mar 2008
Where is it I cannot get it at the usual places and only 4 days to go so it seems that I will be going for a download on one of the keys sites as Game and Amazon are only selling the overpriced collectors edition. For a major release this is *****?.
Many thanks for your reply and that is one of the sites which I will be visiting shortly but what I am looking for is a hard disc for the game but will download as a last resort and that is one of the sites I have in mind. Its not to bad with American Truck Sim as it will be released on hard disc as well as to download (Steam which I do not want to use this time).
^ I can attest to this, I bought a hard copy of Phantom Pain as it was cheaper at the time than on Steam. The DVD contained an 8Mb file that's just enough to start the download via Steam.

OP: Any particular reason you need a physical copy? I'm guessing poor download speeds?
I'm surprised there aren't many copies of this on the members market and ebay. Seems to not be a very popular game, or it could just be due to the stupid timed release. I think i'll wait and see how fast this falls in price and grab it in the summer sale.
Ordered from :)

Loved the 2013 edition and looking forward to this as well. Shame it clashes with The Division Beta but I can hold off on this for a couple of days.
Did you play through the first one? At the start it was quick time tastic, but they then died out and for most of the game you didn't have any.

Yup finished it. Found it really unmemorable to be honest. It wasn't a bad game but not one I could replay.
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