Tommy Robinson quits the EDL

Didn't they start British Freedom Party and quit after Kevin Carroll lost the election for a PCC role in Luton ?

Not sure if they are made for politics, as they still have a street mentality the same problem the NF had in the 70's
The point I was making was that EDL and Football don't go hand-in-hand. Not all football fans are stupid but all EDL members are.

All EDL members may call themselves football fans, that doesn't stop them being stupid or stop them being football fans, but saying that the marches don't continue because the season has started again doesn't make any sense to me.

Appreciate where you are coming from and mostly agree - hooligans are not football fans. However, it is not a far leap in our imagination that EDL march numbers decline at the same time the football season starts.
Tommy Yaxley Lennon Robinson has recognised that fighting fire with fire was never going to be the answer. If you look and listen to the youtube videos the EDL marches are little more than anti-islam façades.

The speakers can't help but spew hate towards muslims rather than islamist extremists that Tommy claimed that he was against.

The cynic in me is also thinking that given his open court cases on illegal entry to the US and money laundry charges he wants to show that he has changed his ways so the court can be lenient
Sigh i really feel sorry for you being duped.You want to combat the abuse of women and homosexuals and non muslims by muslims?

Then burn the Quran as that is the source of all the problems.It cannot be reversed unless as i said muslims drop the quran or revise it.Have you listened to waleed shoebat and former muslims who tells all in his blogs?Have you even looked into the quotes in the Quran about women or homosexuals or non muslims? No because if you did you would be fighting Islam like i am.Im actually an Athiest and im considered the worst of the worst to them and i should be killed if i refuse to convert.

And when you research who the salafists are dont go to google, go to youtube and google and then move on to wahabbiism.Wahabbi = UK and Ireland backed by the Emir of Qatar's money for immigration and mosque building and preaching.Salafists are the death cults main warriors in germany.They have been banned but like all other groups have now gone underground.On youtube you can see them stab a police officer in daytime riots.

Trust me on this im no hater, i never thought i was until i looked into Islam and it blackened my heart.And so i now consider my main cause in life to educate and fight what i see is the biggest danger to Europe since Hitler.And no im not kidding you just do the research.

Talking of research, I noticed you quote 'religion of peace site' have a look at their sponsors and therefore agenda.

Do you really believe that the Koran is the only book that talks of oppression of women and homosexuals - you may want to read the Old Testament and see what truly hateful things that says to do to women who don't obey their husband or even if a homosexual is caught. While you are at it research homosexual oppression in African Catholic / Christian countries or do they not count.

Halal isn't the only ritual slaughter, lookup kosher.
I do not really care who thier sponsors are, the quotes would be pretty much impossible to find had it not came up on google.Am i supposed to trawl the quran or something?

And true the bible and such has nasties in it but we are mostly secular now.Look at christian extremists groups like westboro baptist and then look at salafists please.The difference in christian v muslim extremists is quite wide.And as far as i know no one made a law of the bible.Unlike the Quran which is taken as gods word and the only law a muslim should obey.

Law of the lands go to hell indeed.And i know all about Kosher and oppose it.Which is funny as 99% of people have no idea they are support barbaric acts of ritual animal slaughter and worse yet eating food blessed by another religion.All in the name of political correctness.

I love it

You are aware the the Koran has hundreds of interpretations and the worst of those are followed by the salafists and whabi's who are no more misogynists wanting to keep control. These clowns are being found out for what they are hence the reasons for the "Arab Spring".

A little bit of research and education will show you that there s no global takeover
The same research that showed me the Mosque in Ireland is being funded by the wahhabism spreading Emir of Qatar? Have you looked at his books on modern fatwa's on female genital mutilation or wife beating? Thought not!

Muslim brotherhood front.The same Brotherhood who are a terrorist organization i might add.

Get a grip man, the one of the lies being put out and lapped up is FGM there is nothing in Islam which supports FGM. It has been a cultural practice pre-dating Islam which is carried out in both African muslim and christian countries
They are not classed as muslims by sunni either or alawite.And that is the view of extreme muslims that all others are non muslim.Where do you think this view came from then? It came from those who studied Islam the most, the scholars and grand imam's.

And to be honest im not sure what to make of muslims who are not extremist.Because the root belief is still the book and the book contains filfth and evil.So are they non muslims? Well considering the quran is so complicated it needs a scholar, and it was the scholars who declared the shia and alawites as non muslims then yes they are i guess non muslims.

You can argue until your blue in the face,call me a bigot or a racist but not once have i told lies in this thread.What i have said about Islam is all available on youtube if you search for it.As are the scholars and thier views on Islam in the west and those that live without sharia.I guess you lot all know more about Islam than the scholars who spent thier lives researching it?

Dont make me laugh

Thanks for clearing that up - so which muslims do you hate ?
i believe handed out his statment to the house and MP's before the vote.He was the only real MP teling the truth

Glad to see you back

Can you provide evidence of which MPs he lobbied as you are aware no-one is allowed to enter the chamber unless you are a serving MP.

When you say Nick is an MP what do you mean, as he's lost his deposit twice ?
If you'd taken part in a few more debates you'd notice these are often quote

If you want something more left wing, the Guardian commissioned something similar
(of 500 muslims) 61 per cent wanted Islamic courts - operating on sharia principles

(of 10003 muslims #Populus)
37% of 16 to 24-year-olds said they would prefer sharia law,

a third of 16 to 24-year-olds believed that those converting to another religion should be executed

These polls mostly tie up with each other and don't appear to be particularly biased

As I understand it the UK has 2.7m Muslims according to the 2011 Census, so 500 being interviewed and we don't even know where or who seems a serious leap of faith to draw any conclusions especially a figure like 61%

On apostasy how many times in the last century has the punishment been carried out ?
I want to see a poll done nationwide to see how many Muslims support freedom of expression from other religions and for gays and apostates.

I think its been asked before what are the EDL and likes doing for homosexual rights in orthodox catholic countries in Africa and South America ?

What are the apostasy figures in Islam ?
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