Tom's : Welcome to the weights room log

When I say neck I actually mean spine - Vertebrae. appears I may have been getting my squat bar position a little wrong!! Looks like I need a wider grip and let the bar rest lower down. I just presumed it was because I don't have much in the way of muscle there that it was painful on my bone (feels a little like a bruise when I put the bar on it) At the moment I would say its level with the very top of my Trap.

Off to see my friend in Manchester in the morning for a gym session ad I've asked him to put all of my technique right.
Weds 22nd January

Squat 60kg 5 5 5 5 5 (+2.5KG)
OHP 35KG 5 5 5 3 3 (+5 KG)

Again ran out of time to finish the routine, struggling with these morning sessions, will need to try and get to the gym 20 minutes earlier in the future.
Around 40 mins at the moment as there are two of us doing it and at different weights so it's a lot of messing around. Will be having an extended session tomorrow morning to make up for this week!
Really stalled for the past 2 weeks. Been suffering with a Psoas injury from football for the last 5 weeks. I thought squatting would help strengthen the area but after 2 weeks it wasn't getting any better at all.

So I've dropped the squats for now and its messed with my routine quite a lot as I can't do any sort or legs/lower back/ab work at the moment.

My last 2 sessions :

3rd February
Squats 65kg 5 5 5 5 5
Bench 55kg 5 5 5 5 5

5th Februrary
Squats 70kg 5 5 5 5 5
Went to work on the bike to try and help out injury.

Friday 13th February
Bench 60kg 5 5 5 4 4
OHP 37.5kg 5 5 5 3 0
(:( I sucked this morning) Really struggling with these seems like really slow progress)
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Progress so far...

Progress so far in 30 days :

Squats : 40kg > 70kg
Bench : 45kg > 60kg
OHP : 30kg > 37.5kg

Not made much progress with deadlifts and rows as I feel its hindering my injury and I need to get back playing football asap.
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