Too buy or not too buy..

27 Feb 2006
curretly i have a 80GB samsung hard drive and have been running a little tight for space latley, i have heard in the past about the WD raptor drive's and how fast they are etc, would i see a speed increase in general day to day using the computer web browsing, games etc if i was to install windows on and apps on the raptor and use my samsung drive for storage. Also how would 2 raptor's in raid 0 setup fair compared to one raptor

thanks in advance
turboshed said:
curretly i have a 80GB samsung hard drive and have been running a little tight for space latley, i have heard in the past about the WD raptor drive's and how fast they are etc, would i see a speed increase in general day to day using the computer web browsing, games etc if i was to install windows on and apps on the raptor and use my samsung drive for storage. Also how would 2 raptor's in raid 0 setup fair compared to one raptor

thanks in advance

This isn't a very scientific comparison, but I built 2 Barton systems a little while ago. Both were on the Abit NF-7 Motherboard (although the Sata one was on the NF-7-S)

One was IDE and used a Seagate Barracuda as the OS disk. The other was SATA and used a 36Gb Raptor as the OS disk.

On a fresh windows install, the SATA one loaded windows about three times faster than the IDE one.

It also loaded game maps about four times as fast.

I'm building a new system with 2 Raptors in RAID0 as the OS disk array. I should have it done tomorrow evening. If I'm not wetting my pants with glee, I'll try and post up my observations. :D

Hope this helps!
turboshed said:
all sounds very promising, if could let me know how the raid 0 setup goes i would be very thankful :D

Right-o. I now have a C: Drive that is 132Gb in size. Probably overkill to be honest.

When windows was first installed, it loaded in the blink of an eye. Now that I've installed the motherboard drivers, graphic card drivers and WoW, things aren't as quick as they were. In fact, I don't see much of a difference between my new PC and my Barton system.

However, everything is a lot smoother and I'm pretty sure that things are a bit quicker than they were on my old system. Whether that's to do with the 2Gb of RAM this beast is packing, I guess I won't know (I cba. to unplug one of the sticks).

I think Windows just plateaus at a certain level of hardware. Short of getting a 20Gb flash drive in there, I'm not sure what I can do to speed things up.

I'd like to be able to spot where the next bottleneck is, but I'm not sure how to go about doing so.

As I said before - not very scientific.
if you are running low on space you could always compress your drive. this will also slightly increace windows start time as the data bits are being decompresed on the cpu and thus loading faster.

i compressed my 10 gig system drive and managed to get 2.5gigs of space added on (so far will be more saved if i fill up the drive)
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