Too many credit cards? aka "The Credit Card thread"

He is the “I’m proud I don’t have a credit card” people, which is not something to be proud of…there is nothing good about that. It doesn’t show me you are financially responsible, it shows the complete opposite.

Ok thats why I'm 29 and will have my mortgage paid off in 5 years. Never had a credit card, never will.

Enjoy the debt.. I enjoy freedom.
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I had a credit card in my early 20s, didn't use it. Was advised I should do so spent like £20 and paid it at the end of the month. Credit score took the biggest hit I've seen. Never used it again and it expired a long time ago.

I genuinely don't see the point.
No, but you are throwing good money down the bin that otherwise would be free.
Managing your money is not a maths problem, it's psychology. People spend more when it's not theirs. The amount you ''earn'' in benefits, you would have likely have spent more than you would have if you didn't have the card in the first place.
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Managing your money is not a maths problem, it's psychology. People spend more when it's not theirs. The amount you ''earn'' in benefits, you would have likely have spent more than you would have if you didn't have the card in the first place.

And what about fraud protection? It’s insane to insists paying by cash or debit card is better because you can manage your debit has nothing to do with protecting yourself against fraud. Not having your bank details out there is a good thing, not a bad thing.
I was told a long time ago that having too many cards can negatively affect your rating, especially if the total amount of credit available was more than your income.
IIRC the best credit builders are one or two cards paid off regularly, and a couple of utility type bills/mobile phone contract that's paid promptly as it shows both where you live is constant, and that you're managing your income vs outgoings.

Personally I have two, but use them as delayed debit cards, everything I buy online* or where I can't walk out of the store with it is on them (as are large purchases), but it's always paid back in full at the end of the month.

*I've had my card details taken via hacked websites/payment processors about 8 times (not happened for a while**), so I'm extremely leery of using my debit card online at all, as at least when it happens to the CC it's the banks money and problem, not my current account getting emptied.

**It's now going to happen again, probably next week as I've just cursed myself saying that:p
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Exactly my point. Psychology. You thought you got a good deal and you beat the system, nope.. the system got you.. you didn't need a 30k+ car.
Lol, anybody buying a £30k+ car has been gamed by the system now?

Also I didn't state the value of the car, that really is not relevant to the argument.
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