Too much fun to be safe...

Wouldn't catch me doing that :eek:

I don't really have any problems with heights, and have abseiled from some very high places, but damn! Wouldn't get me doing that lol.
How did he break his fall? Did he set the ropes to make him 'arc' his fall? I need new undies just watching that....
shifty_uk said:
Hmmm, isn't that the mountain that was on that tv program? You know the one where Jack Osbourne and a couple of other people took like 4 days to climb it? That guys just done it in like 4 minutes :p

I'm probably wrong though. The mountain just looks similar.

El Capitan

It could have been 400 foot of it.
Wryel said:
How did he break his fall? Did he set the ropes to make him 'arc' his fall? I need new undies just watching that....

It's the way the ropes are rigged up cushions it, if you look he's not just on one ropes, it's a very big triangular rig that's rather clever and stops him breaking his neck when he hits the bottom of his fall. I read a big article about him somewhere, it was fascinating.
Will Gill said:
similar to a repeller?

id imagine it has a series of ropes which take the strain one after the other, looks damn cool i have to say

I know jack about climbing so I really don't know, and it was a while back I read it, but I seem to remember one of the rigs was mounted to at least two separate small 'peaks' of a rock and they were using huuuuge lengths of rope to build these things, all a bit clever and complex for me!
Mohinder said:
I know jack about climbing so I really don't know, and it was a while back I read it, but I seem to remember one of the rigs was mounted to at least two separate small 'peaks' of a rock and they were using huuuuge lengths of rope to build these things, all a bit clever and complex for me!

lie and feign mountain climbing intelligence im certainly not remotely active, you could have fooled me with claims of complex reef knots :D
As said above

Thats insane
He Was a Nutter
I need Clean Pants

The things he did in that video made me cringe, like trusting your life to 1 rope which i less than an inch thick just crazy to me.

How did he end up dieing tho was it through rope breaking or something similar ?
sunlitsix said:
amazing video :cool:
i would love to try some of that stuff out, bet the thrill of jumping off a mountain like that is incredible :cool:

I would pass out just by standing on the edge like they was, let alone jumping off the thing lol
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