too much water = bad?

Apparently you're meant to drink 2.5L of water a day (just over 4 pints)... was looking into it the other day:)
I drink about 20 cups of water a day. More on gym days, I feel good from it :) Air con at work and water dispensors everywhere help increase that number.
Wesley said:
but water is so boring to drink, anything i can add in the water to taste better?

High juice mate. tastes good and containts that little bit of fruity goodness :D

Failing that, i find the following combo really nice.

1 pint glass,
Fill half way with pure apple juice, and then add a small amount of high juice. Top up with water. Tastes awsome ice cold, and can add your own flavour high juice. so refreshing!
I've just realised that I've put on a bit of weight recently, and funnily enough its been since I've been drinking about 7 cuppas a day, with about 3 sugar in each.

How much extra am I taking in in those little spoonfulls? everything else I eat is cooked healthily in general. Can't think of anywhere else in my diet that I've changed apart from the sugary coffee.
Gilly said:
Thats not much really. Though of course it depends how big the cups are.

I have three or four 75cl bottles a day usually.

This big?

Le_Petit_Lapin said:
I've just realised that I've put on a bit of weight recently, and funnily enough its been since I've been drinking about 7 cuppas a day, with about 3 sugar in each.


thats 21 spoons of sugar a day...... not good for you
Kerplunk said:
*rubs eyes*

20 ???? :eek:

175ml glass roughly :)

so thats 20 x 175 / 1000 = 3.5 litres a day

Gym days

Normal 3.5 litres + 2 x 1 litre bottles

I drink a fair bit actually :p No wonder I visit the toilet so much lol
Gilly said:
There's a lot of sugar in it but its not inherently bad, and you could do with drinking water as well.

From memory, the Lucozade Sport claims that it's "better" than water are during exercise. Not sure why you'd need electrolytes and extra carbs in the office, unless you're doing the office olympics.

If I'm in the office, I'll drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water or squash during the day. The carpet is getting worn out between my desk and the toilet :D
I've heard before that caffine speeds up the metabolism? can anyone confirm this? but imo the real problem would be down to the sugar and milk (whole fat) intake etc.
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