TOOL @ Brixton Tuesday night

25 Feb 2006
third time I've seen them and they were awesome as usual.... only on for 1 1/2 hours (ish) though, I can only think Maynard still has throat problems as they cancelled a show in Italy last week......

lighting & visuals were superb

awww, i really wanted to go to that. I have to catch them next time, saw them at download last year but i've been a fan for a long time and haven't caught them at a gig yet :o
I would, they swap in and out one Undertow song and thats about it.
This teat is nearly dry they have milked the life right out of it, a shame as the album they tour on was really good.
Tool rock, I so wish I was at that gig, but it sold out :( I saw them back in 2002 and I gotta say, apart from being one of the best bends ever, they put on one of the best shows ever!
titaniumx3 said:
You never listened to the same album more than three times?

But I dont watch live music expecting the album to be played :).

-- Edit. In fact if the band sticks to the album then thats one minus point.
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