top mechincal keyboards?

Possibly a bit late as you're leaning towards a Ducky, but have you considered a Gigabyte Osmium? It's the only mech keyboard I've ever used, so no idea how it measures up against the others, but I love it, and use the USB2 port, and headphone and USB3 pass throughs constantly. Might be worth a look?
Possibly a bit late as you're leaning towards a Ducky, but have you considered a Gigabyte Osmium? It's the only mech keyboard I've ever used, so no idea how it measures up against the others, but I love it, and use the USB2 port, and headphone and USB3 pass throughs constantly. Might be worth a look?

IMO, i wouldnt even think about going for a Osmium over a K95 or Ducky.
My advice ?

Try a mechKB/s before moving from membrane.
It's not for everyone and can work as a disadvantage.

But, it;s a trend and one I fell for too.
I love my little CM Storm quickfire tk, it looks great. it doesn't offer me any advantage apart from aesthetics to my previous KB.

Anyhoo, had a blue switch kb and this tk is a red.

I preferred the blues.
I think i have the reds or blacks, cant quite remember but i find playing mmo's hurts my fingers after awhile especially when holiding down the keys for over long periods of time
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