top tip. don't drink lime scale remover!

23 May 2006
not gonna lie I was a bit worried but all seemed to be ok.

in a lack of communication the kettle was getting descaled. I decided to make a brew. I must admit I knew somthing was wrong when my coffee had a bit of a head on it ...
I only had 1 mouthful (which I swallowed and it was truly foul like a chemically citrus acrid).

I seem to still be here after 4 hrs so no harm done it seems but I wouldn't recommend it as part of a healthy lifestyle. (tho according to Donald trump maybe I won't get COVID now ;) )
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lol well if I don't post for a few days you will know why ;)

on a serious note it is really easily done. I am guessing it was watered down and not neat and maybe boiling it broke it down a bit as well .

however I will probably have to have a word with the cleaner next time I see her and ask her not to leave it in the kettle without telling me!
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Make hot chocolate with orange branded descaler (dunno was my first GFs house, they were Australian [not a synonym for weird but it might as well be]) and you can get a good third of the way through before wondering why it tastes like a forbidden special edition Whittards spicy chocolate orange.
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I think I had this covered.

I did once accidentally get some bleach on my hands and although I did wash my hands I apparently didn’t do a great job.

Had some crisps later on which had a slightly odd taste. Spent some quality time on the toilet the next day. :D
as a baby I ate some crayons ones. apparently (I was too young for me to remember) my pooh was a very interesting colour the next day

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