top tip. don't drink lime scale remover!

not gonna lie I was a bit worried but all seemed to be ok.

in a lack of communication the kettle was getting descaled. I decided to make a brew. I must admit I knew somthing was wrong when my coffee had a bit of a head on it ...
I only had 1 mouthful (which I swallowed and it was truly foul like a chemically citrus acrid).

I seem to still be here after 4 hrs so no harm done it seems but I wouldn't recommend it as part of a healthy lifestyle. (tho according to Donald trump maybe I won't get COVID now ;) )

Most household descalers are edible. Of course they urgently need diluting, and will cause burns until they are diluted, but once they reach the stomach their danger starts to reduce.
not gonna lie I was a bit worried but all seemed to be ok.

in a lack of communication the kettle was getting descaled. I decided to make a brew. I must admit I knew somthing was wrong when my coffee had a bit of a head on it ...
I only had 1 mouthful (which I swallowed and it was truly foul like a chemically citrus acrid).

I seem to still be here after 4 hrs so no harm done it seems but I wouldn't recommend it as part of a healthy lifestyle. (tho according to Donald trump maybe I won't get COVID now ;) )
My wife did this at a hotel we stayed at when they left descaler in the kettle. Got the room for free so worked out well in the end.
Should always use organic limescale removers for stuff like kettles anyway. Citric acid or lactic acid.
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