Torrent Problems

encephalopathy said:
here is a solution that worked last night for my mate on pipex (they are throttling p2p at 20k)

use utorrent or azureus as your client

make sure you turn packet encryption ON

his d/l rate went from 20 to 100k almost straightaway :)

until such times as they prioritise encrypted packets as low priority this should work

hope this helps

Read about this on the ADSLguide forums. Using Azureus here and thought I'd give it a go. Still sat around 25k/s on a very well seeded torrent. I'll throw a few more at it and see what happens.


Right, tried a different torrent and it hit 170k/s which is nice. Me being an enquisitive type wondered what would happen if I turned encryption off. Now it's going even quicker. Either I'm not actually being throttled and it's a coincidence my torrent was doing about 20 - 30k/s or it's only throttled at certain times and I've just hit off-peak.......
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demon8991 said:
Thanks for that, really helpfull.
No Worries :)
demon8991 said:
Could the RIAA really catch people? I havnt heard any UK cases?

Surely they dont go for 'casual' users?
Yes they are catching people in the UK. I know of a Postman in Brighton who was done. This as part of a batch earlier this year. It's not the RIAA, but the European Equivalent. Also FAST (software industry) is also chasing catching people.

The main difference in the UK is they concentrate the prosecutions on the heavy uploaders. Especially things like Adobe products. Don't quote me on this, but I believe that they are starting with the P2P networks. Installing a copy of Kazzaa and seeing where they can download certain products from. These IP Addresses are then taken to the ISPs and requests made for the real life address of the person behind the connection.

This is especially awkward when it's teenagers doing the downloading as the parents get stuffed with the bill.

Current fines are in the £2000 to £4000 range. (Though the Brighton postie got an additional fine as he was also selling the DVDs up the local market.... The weird thing with this one is the press didn't mention about his selling the DVDs up the market, or the full size of his fine. I heard this from one of his Postie mates....)

A couple of example stories for you from El'Reg...

The Register: IFPI Sues More People
The Register: January Fines :)
The Register: ISPs ordered to reveal software file-sharers
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Also a Pipex user here and have just become aware of the packet shaping.

I too am experiencing BT downloads being limited to ~20kB/s download. If I wasn't downloading anything I seemed to be able to upload at pretty much full capacity (~25kB/s), however when I started a couple of downloads my upload speed on the seeding torrent would drop to <10kB/s.

I've just updated to the newest version of utorrent and have enabled the Protocol Encryption, so we'll see what difference, if any, that makes. My understanding of the PE however is that it will only work and increase speeds if the other people you are connected to are also using encryption. It's only then that an encrypted transfer will take place, otherwise it reverts back to the usual and so there will be no changes in speed. So what we need is more people (whether traffic shaped or not) to start using encryption.

I'm also beginning the search for alternative ISPs. Unfortunately it seems that the vast majority have or are intrducing capped services and/or traffic shaping in some form. :-(
alexw said:
Also a Pipex user here and have just become aware of the packet shaping.

I too am experiencing BT downloads being limited to ~20kB/s download. If I wasn't downloading anything I seemed to be able to upload at pretty much full capacity (~25kB/s), however when I started a couple of downloads my upload speed on the seeding torrent would drop to <10kB/s.

I've just updated to the newest version of utorrent and have enabled the Protocol Encryption, so we'll see what difference, if any, that makes. My understanding of the PE however is that it will only work and increase speeds if the other people you are connected to are also using encryption. It's only then that an encrypted transfer will take place, otherwise it reverts back to the usual and so there will be no changes in speed. So what we need is more people (whether traffic shaped or not) to start using encryption.

I'm also beginning the search for alternative ISPs. Unfortunately it seems that the vast majority have or are intrducing capped services and/or traffic shaping in some form. :-(
yep so in theory you have near enough nowhere to go for untraffic'd or cap'd services :o
sja360 said:
yep so in theory you have near enough nowhere to go for untraffic'd or cap'd services :o
Well.... duh :p What do you think you pay your ISP for? They are there to provide a decent quailty of service for *all* of their users. So all ISPs will be monitoring their traffic and shaping it in some form. Some do this as caps, some throttle excessive services, others block ports. Usually all detailed in the T's & C's that no one reads. :)

Go and dig around on ADSLGuide. I think you could go and join AOL as they are so desparate for customers that they are happy to have the file sharers (and the spammers).

Personally I think it is good that ISPs are being responsible enough to look after the majority of their customers. And they are also being kind to the file sharers and giving them time during "off peak" hours to run at full throttle. :)
MAllen said:
Well.... duh :p What do you think you pay your ISP for? They are there to provide a decent quailty of service for *all* of their users. So all ISPs will be monitoring their traffic and shaping it in some form. Some do this as caps, some throttle excessive services, others block ports. Usually all detailed in the T's & C's that no one reads. :)

Go and dig around on ADSLGuide. I think you could go and join AOL as they are so desparate for customers that they are happy to have the file sharers (and the spammers).

Personally I think it is good that ISPs are being responsible enough to look after the majority of their customers. And they are also being kind to the file sharers and giving them time during "off peak" hours to run at full throttle. :)
yea the ISP's are being caring towards the majority of their customers by throttling during peak hours, and i agree their being super kind by allowing throttling to be turned off during off-peak.
p.s. im cool with throttlin and caps aint got a problem aslong as it aint a stupid 1GB a month lol!?!?! :eek:
sja360 said:
p.s. im cool with throttlin and caps aint got a problem aslong as it aint a stupid 1GB a month lol!?!?! :eek:
1GB a month... lol!! Could eat that up with a few CS:S sessions and installing fresh copies of XP with it's updates and service packs..... :D
MAllen said:
1GB a month... lol!! Could eat that up with a few CS:S sessions and installing fresh copies of XP with it's updates and service packs..... :D

SP2 5 times = 1GB gone. I could format and update 4 pc's at once on a standard ADSL router....

Speaking of microsoft, Genuine copy of windows crap is actually a big pile of steaming turd. I re-installed MY copy of XP Pro on another PC replacing my old one. Authenticated it and they're both unable to download things like windows defender now...but i'm only using one licence, Which i paid for.
So i haven't broken my EULA but i've had services withdrawn. Nice one Gatesey boy, Guess who's going linux in the 64bit age.
skilldibop - all you need to do is make a phone call to MS and they will "unlock" your one PC. I have transfered licences from one machine to another due to motherboard's dieing, etc. And there has been no troubles so far. ;)

What happens when you try an authenticate the XP Pro OS? When this page fails, it gives you the phone number to call. ;)

Only thing to be aware of is OEM licences will be less transferable. MS will want them to die with the motherboard (details in EULA).
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Skilldibop said:
You make that sound like it won't take a week to get through.

It's quicker to scrounge the installs i want or torrent them ;)
I have never taken "a week to get through". It has always been answered within the minute for me.
MAllen said:
Personally I think it is good that ISPs are being responsible enough to look after the majority of their customers. And they are also being kind to the file sharers and giving them time during "off peak" hours to run at full throttle. :)

Pipex are port throttling P2P 24/7 not just during peak hours. As a person who occasionally needs to use P2P I find this unacceptable.

Control the people who abuse the service by all means but not the legitimate and loyal customers!
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