Tough in-ear headphones

6 Jun 2004
Now I should explain that I have a normal city office job and the only time I use my headphones is for listening to music on the tube, travelling, walking places. Not exactly a tough life...or so you'd think.

Then why, I ask myself, have a purchased 3-4 sets of expensive in-ear headphones in the last 2 years. Is that normal? I'm currently using my Apple ones which I cannot stand (although they're better than I expected!) since my Sennheiser CX500s only lasted me 6 weeks until the right-angle connector that connects to the music device has been crackling and dropping sound from one earpiece. The last two sets before the Sennheiser's were the XtremeMac/FutureSonic FS1 (one black & one white to spice things up a bit) - These ones both lost connectivity at the neck Y-junction after 6 months or so. I forget the set I had before those...

Can anyone name me some decent quality headphones that either have replaceable cables or are tough enough to stand up to be screwed up in a pocket and jolted a few times?
Been using the same set of Icemat Sibera in-ear's since December '07, and they get used every day without fail because of college etc.

Only bit of damage on them is where the cable meets the 'jack' that goes into the player, it has twisted and got a small split on it. However this was my fault for endlessly putting it in my pocket sideways etc and pushing on it. A good tip is put it in a tight pocket such as that little one you get on jeans just above the left pocket, never puts stress on the cable then..

Nothing a bit of tape couldn't fix :)
I've never had a problem with Sony headphones. I had a cheap pair for about 3 years which saw daily use and never broke, and now I'm using modified EX85s that haven't broken either.
Don't ask this sort of question in GD, hi-fi section is much more appropriate where you will get a lot more meaningful and useful advice from some of us. Avoid sony, cheap cheap sennheiser, ibuds, or any other cheap pap.

Check out for your geeky wealth of headphone information.

What's your max price ? I had some westone UM1 (£70 for USA) and they are the most comfortable IEMs I have ever tried. Sound quality is good, and although there is better, for my commute on the northern and pic lines they are a godsend in keeping out noise and feeling great.

But will be going full size headphones now as I fancy a change after killing my UM1 after leaving them trailing behind a car for 2 days (Don't ask). Sennheiser HD25, great phones that can be used to batter annoying commuters with as well :D
Don't ask this sort of question in GD, hi-fi section is much more appropriate where you will get a lot more meaningful and useful advice from some of us. Avoid sony, cheap cheap sennheiser, ibuds, or any other cheap pap.

Check out for your geeky wealth of headphone information.

What's your max price ? I had some westone UM1 (£70 for USA) and they are the most comfortable IEMs I have ever tried. Sound quality is good, and although there is better, for my commute on the northern and pic lines they are a godsend in keeping out noise and feeling great.

But will be going full size headphones now as I fancy a change after killing my UM1 after leaving them trailing behind a car for 2 days (Don't ask). Sennheiser HD25, great phones that can be used to batter annoying commuters with as well :D

I'll second that, I have both UM1s and UM2s, I wear the UM1s on the train every day usually as the 2's are a bit bulkier and slightly less comfortable. They generally survive a year or so's abuse before the cable starts to go, you can get ones with replacable cables but you're talking serious money...
I'll second that, I have both UM1s and UM2s, I wear the UM1s on the train every day usually as the 2's are a bit bulkier and slightly less comfortable. They generally survive a year or so's abuse before the cable starts to go, you can get ones with replacable cables but you're talking serious money...

Your cable went, mine have been used as a leash for the Mrs when she thrashes around and still survived for 2 years.

The cable still survived the 50+ miles being dragged along the road and so did one of the drivers, but the other one disintegrated apparently.

A tough testing regime is paramount :D
I have some Ultimate Ears Superfi Pro's which are pretty rock solid. The cable is nice and thick, and most parts are detachable for if they break. They're not cheap though. I think mine cost me £150.
I've had some Sony in-ear buds for like 8 years now and they have been fine. I just wrap them round the walkman. Oh wait, we don't have tapes any more :D
I use these and can't fault them:


They stand up to abuse well, I use them when I run and on my motorbike :)
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