Tough in-ear headphones

I just invested in some Goldring 200's for like 45 quid. They are my most expensive pair of IEM's so far as I am poor and a student. My last pair were cx300 which were ok but flimsy and the sound was not great. I hope the goldrings are an improvement, however with IEM's for a really decent pair your really going to have to pay a fair whack.
i have some shure in ear jobbies with the modular cable... the cable is pretty thick and solid so should stand upto some abuse, and they have ~ a foot before a connector so you can knacker and replace the bit that plugs into the mp3 player if you so wish...

But is the cable into the drivers replacable? it's the strain relief as the cable entered the earphones where it keeps dying on me.

I had a pair of EC2s, good enough sound but bulky and uncomfortable compared to the slightly better sounding UM1s
I use the Creative EP-630's. They are friggin' excellent and can be had for under a tenner.

But is the cable into the drivers replacable? it's the strain relief as the cable entered the earphones where it keeps dying on me.

I had a pair of EC2s, good enough sound but bulky and uncomfortable compared to the slightly better sounding UM1s

unfortunately not... i guess its not really feasible to have connectors at the pods itself. having said that the cables on my shures are pretty solid...
Here is what I'm using at the moment which are starting to go iffy :

Before I had these which stopped working in 1 ear after about 10 months :

I replaced them with these :

Which I managed to rip the cable in half after a few days :p

So, so far the Shure ones have lasted me the longest :D
unfortunately not... i guess its not really feasible to have connectors at the pods itself. having said that the cables on my shures are pretty solid...

There are a few westone ones which have the option to replace the cable at the pods but they fall into the stupidly expensive bracket...
How much ?

Actually, whatever they cost it will go towards that nice bit of metal.

Invest in some cheaper and better IEMs to be honest :)

Not actually a lot, £40 or so they can be had for. Even for that you could be much better, and even if you couldn't it'd be worth spending extra to get something that avoided making you look like a bling idiot.
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