Toy Soliders now out on PC (£3.74 on Steam until 4th May)

Bought it too although I agree with Marc1024 regarding the description of multiplayer.

I am a tower defense nut so I figured at £3.74 which includes all the DLC from the Xbox version it was worth it for me with or without multiplayer.

Luckily I already have a GFWL account and it logged in just fine but I do sympathize with those that have problems as I have been there and got the t-shirt with that blooming thing.

Neat little game and good value for money.
I already had a GFWL account, when I bought Fallout 3, but I had forgotten my password. No matter which browser I used I simply could not get that Captcha to accept what I was typing, doing the audio version was just as bad. I made a zillion attempts at that and failed :(

I have found even the hardest levels of Legend of Grimrock to be easier than some of these Captcha's
Wow, what an addictive little game. Picked it up yesterday and finished the campaign in one sitting. Shame about the lack of multiplayer, but still well worth the money. I'll be playing the spin-off campaigns later!
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