Track day, for noobs.

They tend to come from family or friends (or friends of friends) in the RAF. The invite I had to RAF Waddington last year came from a friend at work. His girlfriend's dad is serving and rides himself :)
Lots of great tracks in the UK some of the smaller ones offer great value, Derby, Bllyton park to name a few, ok there not massive but you can still come off shattered.

I tend to skip the last session or just go out and take it very easy, you will be surprised how tiring it is. (in a absolutely awesome way)

(if i was mega rich i would hire it out for day and get everyone ****ed, and give them a CB250 for races)
Standard bike, you will be fine. Aftermarket can double check it and look for noise baffle plenty on ebay and you wont notice the performance drop in the slightest.
The Bike magazine 'Reclaim our tracks' are good for a first track experience.

They don't allow bikes to be trailored there, so in theory everyone should be a bit more cautious if they know they need to ride their bike home. I did one a couple of years ago and it was good fun, although one father and son did turn up with trailored road bikes and were allowed on track....who'd have guessed but they were the biggest nobs of the day by far with speed far outweighing their talent - they were the only ones to crash (both of them!)

Highlight was watching a RMW R1200RT with radio blasting down the straight!
Think most things are covered except one and its quite obvious given the replies in here.

Dont overthink it. Its a track day and youll be in the newcomers. Its a fast road ride and nothing more mate with wider track and no police or traffic.

Just relax and have fun :D
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