trackmania united

13 Jan 2006

ive aquired a copy of the game and am playing lan with my friend, we can only get one track and 1 car, any1 no how to get other tracks to play on?

and does any1 no how to make it so we can hit each other, cos u just pass thru each other and it bit crap

thx :)
You can't hit each other, you're just as ghosts to each other. To get cars and tracks you have to register and play online and earn "coppers." You get these buy playing online, and by adding your own cars/tracks. I might buy Trackmania United, looks okay. If Trackmania Nations is anything to go by, I might love it.
thats a bit pants, i jus want to mess about with my friend, im not dedicating time just to get some cars an tracks.

back to flatout 2
if by "aquired" you mean bought, then there are over 100 tracks and about 25 ish cars that come with the game. Plus, if you want new tracks without any kind of commitment then just download some from tmu exchange (google it). You get 50 coppers per day anyway just by logging on btw, so not that much dedication required if you want to "acquire" all your tracks/cars using the in-game menu.

Regarding ghost cars.. that is what trackmania is all about. Imagine racing with 20 other opponent with collision detection. Every track would need to be a mile wide to accomodate such numbers.
To download more tracks this is the place to go

To get custom cars go here

As for no car on car collisions that is the way it has allways been and believe me when you are on a server with 50+ other people and racing some of the insane tracks that are availible then you will just be glad there is no collision.

Most of the greatest racing about is with trackmania and with the community being one of the friendliest and and most helpfull then it all adds up to a great expieriance.

some great track builders to look out for are.

Ron Turbo
Iron Dragons
Ganja Weeds
Rockchef (me) lol

And many more guys and gals that make trackmania so great.
I'm not going to bother with it. The origional had so much potential, but it was far too difficult, even on the easiest setting. If developers are going to make a game which causes health problems then it's their own problem if they don't do well with that particular game :D
Tommy B said:
I'm not going to bother with it. The origional had so much potential, but it was far too difficult, even on the easiest setting. If developers are going to make a game which causes health problems then it's their own problem if they don't do well with that particular game :D

What do you mean too difficult even on the easiest setting?
There is no difficulty setting. Just various tracks ranging in toughness....?!?
Tommy B said:
I'm not going to bother with it. The origional had so much potential, but it was far too difficult, even on the easiest setting. If developers are going to make a game which causes health problems then it's their own problem if they don't do well with that particular game :D

Also am not sure what you mean by saying the game causes health problems :confused: could you expand that statement please
if health problems is being addicted to it, trying to shave that last few milliseconds off your time, then yes it does.

otherwise... what?
Zogger said:
if health problems is being addicted to it, trying to shave that last few milliseconds off your time, then yes it does.

otherwise... what?

Thats what the game comes down to, "just one more go". You just want to get that extra tenth of a second off. Play online with a few freinds on my own server set up on my comp. Great game, even better when in teamspeak with mates!
Hmm looks pretty good this game, went to the site to download it and its $50, sod that, may get it from somewhere else
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