How was this guy able to make a killing with Netflix?
By buying puts.
Put calls? He’s bet the price will tank
Those are two different things you're conflating there.
A put confers the right (but not the obligation) to sell at a specific price a call confers the right (but not the obligation) to buy at a specific price.
Betting against it when it was at the high? It's possible in the US, not in the UK.
Nope, that's false, what makes you think that?
Ugh I always forget about shorting.
Nah it's an options trade, it is a short position but it's via a put. Shorting a stock involves borrowing it then selling it with an obligation to buy it back and return it later.
Buying a put is buying the right to sell the stock at a specific price - in this case at $290
He bought the puts (25 of them) when they were out of the money for what looks like $2-ish per share (each put is for 100 shares) by the close of that day they were worth $2.66 per share and as of the time of his post they're worth $44.10 per share. The screenshot was from circa 9:30am yesterday when the share price was around $245 so his position is worth even more now - more like $160k -ish.
edit - actually he's apparently already closed out the positon, still a pretty nice profit to make from a 5k bet
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