exactly, so you can never know when to buy or sell, only how long you need to positionsand an hour after you posted that it was back down 1.22%
exactly, so you can never know when to buy or sell, only how long you need to positionsand an hour after you posted that it was back down 1.22%
Iirc he (Trump) said the USA tariffs on the rest of the world start on April 2. So markets are in the calm before the storm atm?
Personally I'd rather stay out of a market whose weekly peaks and troughs have been replaced with hourly ones, all on the basis of what one guy says. Market feels a bit like crypto at the moment.exactly, so you can never know when to buy or sell, only how long you need to positions
European Defence sector ETF anyone?
I'm shocked one doesn't already exist - unless I'm mistaken?
I sold everything a week before trump ... Very good short terms , Lol then got itchy and now I scratched so hard I'm bleeding to deathYep. I'm writing this year off. As always my urge to cash out was right yet I never moved on it and it's too late now. Just gonna let it all ride and be hopeful of something positive happening in the latter half of the year.
Aye. It feels wasteful holding so much in cash but I think it was certainly the right move to cash in for at least the short term (please god let it be short term). Good on you!I sold everything a week before trump ... Very good short terms , Lol then got itchy and now I scratched so hard I'm bleeding to death
If I don't laugh I'll cry, every 100k krona milestone I lose I salute the commander and chief. Could be a new salute tonight....
Aye. I have several cash ISA pots for these types of events and sceneries. I recognise I'm fortunate to be in such a position but I'm sure there are a lot of folk potentially short-term panicking but ultimately cooler heads _eventually_ prevail.As an early retiree I'm glad I have two years in cash (well, money market funds) and I can just ignore (yeah right...) my stock fund portfolio until hopefully some sanity prevails. Maybe.
As an early retiree I'm glad I have two years in cash (well, money market funds) and I can just ignore (yeah right...) my stock fund portfolio until hopefully some sanity prevails. Maybe.
Money market fund and a cash isa. Only getting around 5% but I'll take it.for future research, how are you holding this two years worth of cash?