Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

Condor is a gold exploration company. If you've been in it before I'm sure you know all the fundamentals and the realities of exploration (not production) in any field. If not I'll give you a hint and tell you that La India has 988k oz JORC of which condor has an 80% equity. 3 drills currently and a minimum target of 2m oz. If you plan on day trading this or are in for a quick buck, good luck.

I was in it earlier this year for a few months then sold out. :)

EDIT: ^^ ooh whats happening to RRL? I used to be in with them earlier this year when it when from 8/9p up to 17/18p and made a nice profit. :D
What exactly is causing everything to plummet at the moment. I have investments which track the FTSE100, IIRC. Have watched it drop quite a bit over the last few days.

Just wondering what's causing it?

Poor US data, Italy, Spain, no growth = no demand.

Then stop losses etc are killing AIM.

I think I've lost about £3.5k this week
Poor US data, Italy, Spain, no growth = no demand.

Then stop losses etc are killing AIM.

I think I've lost about £3.5k this week


I'm down about £3k myself.

When the Tsnuami hit Japan my portfolio dropped around £6k over 2 days but recovered after about 4 weeks.

I haven't any issues with it fluctuating as that's the nature of the investment though if it's likely to plummet even further and not recover in the next 2 months then I should probably cut my losses as I'm completing on a house in October. I have some contingency but don't see any point in sitting tight if it's going to take more than 2 months or so to recover and will cost me more by doing so.
Similar situation to me last year.

I am looking to buy again march next year so need some sort of recovery (and to learn not to be greedy !)
I'm kind of hoping this is just an intial panic reaction and that it stabilises by the end of the week. If it shows sign of a recovery in the next 4-6 weeks I'll leave it be, but if it continues to fall I can't afford to wait. Completing at the end of October.

Knew I should have cashed in when it was on a high a few weeks back!
This is worse then the Tidal wave drop for me. Ultimately this is just price tags, the world needs oil and less usa debt based dollars so it will come back imo for useful companies (pure explorers are money pits not useful so very iffy :/)

Nothing bad happened to RRL itself, infact they just released a positive RNS. It's a market issue.

Just looked at RRL chart and its a beaut
Obviously I wish I had sold all and buy now. Its completely failed the 2011 rises and people are fearing it will lose 2010 also
The price right now matches the normal trend, the one before it broke out massive. Stick a ruler on 2010 highest prices and you have todays price, its inline so I bought a bit pity I cant buy a lot (my bad but Im in profit still)
Looking for it to keep 10p area as its contains less of the speculative traders

CEY rising from 102 Barc below 200, 2008 replay despite its Lehman success
Bought PMG
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Having just spoken to a colleague at the other end of the office who has an interest in markets and just likes to look for companies on the up I think in a year or two after familiarising myself with how it all works and playing with a few simulators I might toss £5k or so in.

Just seen the growth chart for one company that jumped 600% in 6 months :eek:
I have some contingency but don't see any point in sitting tight if it's going to take more than 2 months or so to recover and will cost me more by doing so.

Volatility is up and I think it'll keep rising. What that means for prices is it can do both, if markets just move in one direction that is low volatility and its more predictable.

Im fairly certain we have events occurring and will keep on happening that are on a scale not seen in fifty years so the prices to describe those extremes will be up and down

No idea where the bottom is exactly but theres just as much chance of it going up imo in a year long view.
If Im completely wrong we will just flat line either neutral or going down but looking at the year chart, its up and down and that richter graph style Im thinking is the new normal

I took back the CEY shares I sold at 140. Funded that with a sale of half an inverse ftse tracker though I guess 2010 lows are very possible Centamin is making a lot of money it seems.

VGM is losing it and that is a very costly to run gold mine so its harder to buy now

Gold to hit $2,000 before year end
Barc below 200 is pretty shocking, makes me want to jump in but I'm already pretty over leveraged in these markets...

Especially so as the results were fairly strong, especially if you take account of the exceptionals.

I bought into VED and SKR this morning and have ended the day nicely underwater! :eek:

Personally I don't think we/the world are heading back into recession. US non farm payroll figures tomorrow will make interesting reading...hold on to your hats!
Down 2.4% on the day. Not overly bothered as I'm taking a long view with my current holdings, and they're all high div blue chips.

Waiting for the right time to top up on a couple. Aviva down to 357 now - and a div of what, over 7% now? Will see what's happening early tomorrow, and quite possibly throw a fair bit more into this stock, seeing as it's financially sound with an excellent divi record.

Just wish I could get some sense of where the bottom is likely to be. I did tell myself I'd top up if it dropped to 370, but thankfully missed that whilst working and noticed it had dropped way below that, so I'm not confident I'll get it right... :)
Watching the DJI tank. All ready down 4%, will be interesting to see where it closes as I have been in cash for a couple of weeks but may have to jump in tomorrow and dig out some bargains.
FTSE futures is at 5284 another 100 off official close

There is Tokyo overnight to confirm that low but generally its all about USA. So on average expect another 2% fall in prices tomorrow it seems.

Barc initial target downside would be 175 I think but I'd prefer it mope around 200 obviously. BP in new york was also down a further 3%

I guess that trend break was for real. Its not normal to just slide straight down but a break of something major matches up

I bought into VED and SKR this morning and have ended the day nicely underwater! :eek:
VED is a very good buy I reckon, just invested my dividends back in.
The company bought back a lot of shares already.
9 PE is not a fake value, just requires the world wants metals still and India is 70% internal demand opposite of china

Ditto Heritage oil, completely failed in its recovery. Was previously thinking I was silly to sell any, still holding too much.

Hard to imagine these going straight back up but selling is not right imo

Aviva dividend value worked in past selloffs I think.
I used to always buy Standard life in dire times, also a decent payout. Solid but doesnt tend to ever rise much. ex div in a fortnight. 170p to 230 was its old range. Quarter Canadian based


Divide 100 dollars by price of gold at the time and the modern price he was selling the car for was $8,240 or 5000 GBP

Similar thing with Dow Jones prices since March 2009. We did a full circle

Ounces of Gold to buy the Dow Jones in 1930 was 10 ounces. In 1932 it went to 2 ounces I think and translating the same thing today has the range of 10 ounces to buy down to 6.86 now.
I dont think 2 will happen because our currency is weak and most of my stocks are international not USA or pure UK

Personally I don't think we/the world are heading back into recession. US non farm payroll figures tomorrow will make interesting reading...hold on to your hats!
World wont be in recession but some places will. NFP could explain the fear, a reversal on that news would be welcome
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