Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

yea, good chart. I've reduced my risk over the last couple of weeks, im at like 60% net long. Im placing myself for a double dip recession, then buy the dip in gold, gold miners, REITS, quality stocks and some secular growth.

REITS? what is that? I've just recently starting to put some money into some funds so trying to spread out a bit and going with different risks as well.
Real Estate Investment Trusts.

Currently got a small position in Warehouse REIT (WHR) which owns high-quality strategically placed distribution hubs / warehouses in the UK. I like how it's positioned, has very high occupancy rates.

Also got a bit of WHR REIT, ~3% of portfolio. Just sold out of BBOX (also warehouse) because I felt 170p was a bit steep when NAV was ~25p less than that. Now its 185p.
I still think there may be value in other commercial real estate, I just bought BCPT because the NAV is ~100-110 and it is 76p with 0.35p every month which at ~0.4-0.5% every month isnt bad.
Man that GME is a wild ride.

Missed out on that one but I'm getting in on the BB action.

Can't help but think we're all being manipulated somehow ..... but the cash is real.

Suddenly my job almost seem pointless if this ride continues.
Man that GME is a wild ride.

Missed out on that one but I'm getting in on the BB action.

Can't help but think we're all being manipulated somehow ..... but the cash is real.

Suddenly my job almost seem pointless if this ride continues.
someones losing out and it's probably the people who don't get in at the start.

I hope you realise some of the people on wallstreet bets have stupid money to risk, they probably in cahoots and decide in advance which shares to pump then go to wallstreet bets omg to the moon.

after they already bought early, thet target small caps mostly so it's easy to make the share price jump with a few mil or whatever.
I heard there's discord servers for pump and dumps too so a bunch of them probably decided to team up more recently, the people on reddit and social media are probably more at the tail end than they think

everyone jumps aboard the hype train, as soon as the big boys start selling there shares the price drops so hard.

you might not think you can get caught out, some limit order will keep you safe.

it won't when the split widens massively on the dump and almost instantly goes past your limit without ever selling a share.

people think there's no risk but the risk is huge unless you get in before half the money does.

why do you think theres'a all this "diamond hands" on wall street bets, they are desperate to give the impression everyone is holding and you should too.

maybe watch some of the wallstreet bets videos on youtube about people losing their life savings
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Anyone grabbing a load more RR shares?
I've been watching for a few weeks waiting for a dip below 100 but I'm not sure how much growth is there. TUI is also another one I've been tracking. It's been in freefall last week and if it gets anywhere south of 320 I'm in for a decent amount. It has support from German gov and liquidity is ok. Big travel co's that survive will surely have a huge comeback once the pandemic is under control.
I've been watching for a few weeks waiting for a dip below 100 but I'm not sure how much growth is there. TUI is also another one I've been tracking. It's been in freefall last week and if it gets anywhere south of 320 I'm in for a decent amount. It has support from German gov and liquidity is ok. Big travel co's that survive will surely have a huge comeback once the pandemic is under control.
tourisms pretty much closed for non EU members in Europe.
If I wanted to visit my ex and kid she would have to pretend we are still together and send me a handwritten letter inviting me to stay with her.
I would also have to show proof I'm the father to customs. (yay brexit)
btw the website still says arlines might not take you even with it...

that's even if I could get flight to there from the UK.

obviously some countries are more lax but it's going to be months and months and months before planes properly start flying again imo
I'd be surprised it a lot of places even open up to tourism in the summer with how slow vaccine roll outs are and all the new strains popping up that could make vaccines useless
Boohoo have bought Debenhams. Seems to have done nothing (either positive or negative) for the share price!

They are simply buying the name/brand & intellectual property, including customer data etc - They are not keeping any stores or staff. It's nothing to get excited about NOR anything to depress you. Think that's why the stock has done nothing.
Christ, just tried reading that Reddit page. Maybe i'm old but i just can't do it. Just seems a complete mess and impossible to filter out junk posts!
WSB? It's hilarious. Trying to work out who is... "mentally challenged" and who is smart but pretending to be is half the fun.

A significant number of their plays have been correct over the last 6 months or so. I've ridden a few but always been late to the party.

Was still late on GME but going to be up by well over 100% by market open :cool: Question is where to bail. Don't want to be too early if it really does have potential to skyrocket but also don't want to just have paper profits and watch them disappear. May just keep revising stops on the way up
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Any idea why L&G have had a big drop today? Seems to be climbing back up again, managed to buy a few more on the dip today. Also looking at TUI and IAG but would need to drop a bit more over the next few weeks before I buy in.
WSB? It's hilarious. Trying to work out who is... "mentally challenged" and who is smart but pretending to be is half the fun.

A significant number of their plays have been correct over the last 6 months or so. I've ridden a few but always been late to the party.

Was still late on GME but going to be up by well over 100% by market open :cool: Question is where to bail. Don't want to be too early if it really does have potential to skyrocket but also don't want to just have paper profits and watch them disappear. May just keep revising stops on the way up

Yeah, i struggled to find any sensible looking posts in my brief 5 minute look. Some people were touting GME to hit $1000 which seems crazy!

I don't really use Reddit so it's probably partly down to me not really knowing how to navigate very well which doesn't help, but it just seems a mess to read.
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