Training for 2nd triathlon

9 Dec 2009
After completing my first triathlon in June (see my previous thread in here), and thoroughly enjoying it, I've signed up for the Dawlish sprint triathlon on 25th September. Same distance as before, but this time it's a sea swim!

I've been exercising since the previous triathlon, but not sticking to a dedicated training schedule. So, with only 5 weeks to go before the Dawlish triathlon, I'd better get training!


I've been swimming 1-2 times per week at a nearby swimming lake with no wetsuit, doing 2 laps of 600m, so about 1.2km. I really have to kick to keep my legs up without the bouyancy of the wetsuit. I've sped up my stroke to try and keep a glide going, rather than glide, slow, glide, slow etc. I'm still one of the slowest swimmers on the lake, 9 out of 10 swimmers overtake me, but I feel like I'm a stronger swimmer than when I did the last triathlon. The plan is to do a mixture of pool sessions for drills and lake sessions for distance, and build up to 3 swims per week with one of them being 3 laps of the lake, about 1.8km.


I went on a cycling holiday in Holland last month for a week and was riding every day with 4 panniers. Since then I've done 1-2 pleasure rides per week. The plan is getting back on the road bike and building up to 2 decent rides per week.

Run: Up until last week I hadn't run since the triathlon in June! The week before last I did lots of walking and last week did my first run. I felt fine, but kept the distance small, in order to build up distance gradually. The run is my weakest discipline the plan is to slowly build up to 2 4km runs per week while avoiding aggravation to my back.

5 weeks to go!
9 Dec 2009

First time wearing a wetsuit in about 6 weeks today, and it was so much easier! Did 2 laps of the lake, so 1.2km. Got overtaken by 4 swimmers who came up behind me, but on the last lap I decided to step up the pace and try to stop the 5th swimmer overtaking, and managed to stay ahead. Finished the swim very tired, but good training.
9 Dec 2009
Thursday, running.

Steady 3.5km run, it's getting easier.

Today, swimming and cycling.

Swimming: 2 laps of local swimming lake, 1.2km. The water is definitely getting cooler. Wore wetsuit and silicone cap, but head starting to feel cooler so might wear the neoprene cap next time.

Cycling: Rode 18 miles to the in laws and same distance back, which would be a decent ride but I took my ebike!

Really must start taking the road bike out :)
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