Training Log - Am I going to regret this?

22 Sep 2009
Hi All,

New to this forum but visit the GD crazies often! Wanted to start up a log for a while as I need help with a routine, which I can stick to and stop messing about!

So basically I'm:

26 Years old (soon to be 27, getting old man!)
Can a run a decent 5 miles in about 50 minutes, I'm fairly fit and can lift my own body weight doing pull ups and chin ups, though struggle on chip ups! My mobility has improved as I stretch for about 10 minutes after each session, can just about touch the point at which fingers turn to palms to the floor when stretching hamstrings.

What compounds lifts I can do at the moment , also combined with the warmups I do on them. I took about 4 personal trainings sessions as I had never done the proper lifting exercises before so that has given me a good grounding I think. I normally always do 5 minutes running/cycling and a good few minutes doing some arm stretches just to limber up a a little:

Bench: 5 Sets with warmups
20 Kg bar x 8 for a warmup and make sure I'm lifting the thing properly
60 Kg x 8
70 Kg x 8
75 Kg x 8
75 Kg x 8

Squat: 5 Sets - a fairly wide stance, quads perpendicular to the floor - definitely most comfortable exercise after benching
60Kg x 8 - warmup
70Kg x 8
80Kg x 8
90Kg x 8
100Kg x 8 (it's getting tough at this point)

Deadlift : 5 Sets - This is what I struggle with most with technique, I'm sure I could lift more , so think I need a few more lessons with the PT in regards to technique, might see if I cant get a video up for critique!
60 Kg x 8 - warmup
80 Kg x 8
100 Kg x 8
100 Kg x 8 , by this time I'm struggling a little
100 Kg x 5-8

Over head press: 5 sets
20Kg bar x 8 - warmup
40KG bar x 8
(3 more of these)

Bent over row - 5 sets?
Unsure of amounts as I have only done them with my PT but I think it went a little like this, definitely open to suggestions
20 kg Bar x 8 warmup
30 Kg x 8
40 Kg x 8
- unsure of the rest - don't think I made up up to 60kg as I never remember loading the 20kg large discs on

So what I'm looking for really is a programme that combines these 5 core lifts, with exercises afterwards (correct in thinking that I should do the compound lifts first in the session?) which will work each muscle group, over a course of days such as monday , wednesday , friday. In between I will probably be running at the weekend (5 miles, sometimes less but more hills) and possibly cardio such as cycling and cross trainer (either tuesday or thursday) so 5 days total exercise a week.

I have been experimenting more and more with Dumbells and the various exercises that can go with them, so would like to integrate them accordingly with the 5 main lifts, obviously I don't want to over do one muscle group in a particular session, which is what I'm totally unsure of at the moment! I suppose core would be a good to do when I'm doing the cardio exercise on a particular day?

Open to all suggestions, as I basically don't want to turn in a man mountain but want really good strength to reach those consistent 1 1/2 x body weight targets! :D

Also , will running or keeping "too fit" hurt my weight lifting targets?
StrongLifts 5x5 or something similar sounds like it'd suit you well, I'm sure somebody else will be along soon.

Good luck getting them gainz!
Yeah that sounds just like stronglifts, although you might be at the top end of it. I followed stronglifts yesterday and did almost exactly the same thing, but with a lot less weight :o
It sounds like you sort of know what you're doing already. Have a look at SL 5x5 and starting strength and see what you can take from those.

Primarily I would look at lowering your reps in working sets from 8 to 5.
So yesterday I had a wee look up on 5x5 principal and have shameless copied these from I think what was body building forum (

Monday:(done yesterday)
Bench x 75kg x 5
Squat x 100kg x 5 (these actually got easier when I took my shoes off, no squashy soles)
BOR x 60kg x 5

Front bar bell squat (haven't done these before, is there anything else I could sub instead?)
OHP - or standing military press x 40kg x 5 (possibly more as I haven't done low reps yet)
Deadlift - 5 x 100kg
Pull ups x 5 x 5

Squat - 100kg x 5
Bench - 75kg x 5
BOR - 60kg x 5

I need some bits to fill in between or at the end of the sessions as those should only take me half hour - 40 minutes, shall I just do their accessory exercises, or just whatever I fancy? Does each day focus on a different area? I'm so confused, what should I up the weight each week by, 2.5kg, 5kg, or whatever i'm reasonably comfortable with (which I'd hope was 5kg / week :D
Interesting take on Stronglifts. .. and quite a nice program.... assuming you're doing 5*5 rather than just 5 reps for each. ;)

Some points to consider...

1) Front squats are an awesome exercise and - depending on how you back squat (i.e. high or low bar) will support or compliement what you're already doing. If you've not done them before, you might want somebody to check up on what you're doing. Post a video. :)

2) If you want accessory exercises, stick to your core routine (as outlined above) and add in 3*8/10 of [INSERT EXERCISE] afterwards. You seem to have the right core compounds in place to build up on your awesome, so...

- similar movements, like dumbell work for pressing, but then also things like split squats/lunges, Romanian deadlifts, Good Mornings, close grip bench, dips, etc. These will help the compound movements as you are still working across multiple joints, but giving yourself a whole new way to fatigue those neuromuscular interactions.

- specific exercises target specific muscles will help build up additional size/strength/resilience. It is movement specific, so just because you can do a tricep extension of Xkg does not mean you can then bench the same weight or whatever. Dumbells come in very useful for these things, as to cable exercises.

And don't think you will suddenly turn into a man mountain. If it was that easy, every teenage boy would look like that. It takes a very long time to look huge, coupled with some awesome training, diet and rest: you will not get big in six or even twelve months, so just train and enjoy those endorphins. ;)
So Wednesday 8.30pm --> went like this..

Front squat: 70kg x 5 x 5 (got the hang of these after first couple of sets, hardest bit I think is keeping the arms up to keep the bar balanced on the front?deltoids
Deadlift: 100kg x 5 x 5 (form video below! :eek:)
Military Press: 45kg x 5 x 5 (i really feel this is my weakness area)
Chin ups: 5 x 3 (after the lot above, this was hard, couldn't finish last set :( )

Then some other bits and pieces
Leg extension machine 8 x 3 x 65kg , in between each set 15 lunges
Close grip Lat Pulldown 70kg x 5 x 3

What's the form look like on the Deadlift? I feel as if the downward part is for the hardest part, with the last one or two on this video getting a bit sloppy and almost looking like I'm lifting the bar with the shoulders rather than the back? I think I could kick up the weight 10kg but don't want form to suffer If I'm struggling a little!

I shall have to try the alternate grip next time as this was the last of my 5 the grip started going!
Front squats? I like. :)

Regarding your deadlifts, you don't have a nicely straight back: your shoulders and upper back appear rounded. You're also hyper-extending at the top as you lock out, suggesting your core isn't on tight enough. Which also makes me think your using your back to lift the weight rather than all through your glutes and hamstrings.

From an efficiency perspective, when you start the lift your hips are too low and rise up before your thorax does, increasing the load on your back (I know, because I do this to a degree, too. ;)).

Have a think about keeping your chest up when you set up for the lift, and keeping your bum slightly higher. Then remember to drive through your heels and (reverse) hinge from your hips to push them through into the bar (as such).
Pretty much as you've said, feel like I'm lifting with my back and arms rather than legs.

I think I should try to keep my back in the same flat (or natural curve state) until I pull the bar up to my knees, and then and only then pull up whilst hinging at the hips (aka the thrust forward?)

I've gotta make sure Im breathing in before lifting, and keeping the air in the core and keeping it tight I guess!
Friday Night:

Bench: 75Kg x 5 x 5
BOR: Kg 65 x 5 x 5
Squat: 100kg x 5 x 5 (did one 110kg squat the end, which was pretty tricky considering I had just done 25 or 2500kg!

Leg curl 65 x 8 x 3 (ohhh these feel good afterwards haha!)
Incline DB press 24Kg x 8 x 3 (wobbly arms towards end!)
Leg press (very very slight incline machine) 160kg x 8 x 3
Plank , 1.00min, 1.10, 1.10

A load of stretching , I quite like the crucifix and scorpion stretch at the moment as it really feels like it's twisting and stretching my back nicely, being sat at a desk all dat I feel its important to keep the back limber!

Here's a video of my squats, any input, chap filming annoying did it in landscape rather than portrait!

Also, my barbell row is done in the link here, what's everyone's opinion of being parallel to the grown as opposed to 45 degrees? It's just what I was shown by a PT so I guess you just end up doing what you've been shown.

One more thing, is a 2.5kg weight increase good week by week? so hopefully after 4 weeks i'll be up to 80kg bench, 110kg squat, 110kg deadlift , 75kg bor, front squat 80kg, military press 55kg

Getting into this now :D
A quick one about your squatting...

Aside from not hitting depth, it looks like your flexing/extending your spine as you transition from the eccentric->concentric phase of the squat! which isn't good - it should be rigid in the neutral position.

Keep your chest up, too! :)

Regarding barbell rows, it is a question of the musculature you want to work as well as the sport/look/whatever you want to achieve: parallel to the ground is a very lat exercise, whereas more upright is more upper back. I do mine parallel as I snatch and clean = big pulls on my lats.
Thankyou for the input. Not gonna lie, I'm not totally sure what you mean by eccentric to concentric phase might mean, but that's why Google's there eh!

From what I can understand, the eccentric stage is the downward stage and is basically the lengthening of all the muscles that are helping you control your downwards action, or braking action?

Concentric phase, would be the upwards action so I reads, the shortening of these muscles and the power that drives you upwards. So basically, as I hit the bottom I'm not keeping my back 'steady' or rigid as you say, which would surely mean pressure or forces being exerted on my spine = not good in the general scheme of things!

The chest up/out is a good point too, I'm always trying to focus on keeping the chest puffed out when I get to the top of the squat, almost like standing to attention ha!

Also I'll think I'll keep the weight the same this week and focus on getting a bit more depth into the squat, when you're actually doing it it feels like your going low, but seeing a side on video clearly shows that I'm not hitting that perpendicular angle!

More work needed! Cheers.
Monday 28th

Bench: 77.5Kg x 5 x 5
BOR: 67.5Kg x 5 x 5
Squat 102.5Kg x 5 x 5

So basically managed to add 2.5kg on each exercise. Really trying to focus on keeping my back straight and taught on the squat!

Going to have to re-arrange wednesdays to thursday so the PT I sometimes (to check on form) can film dead lift and front squat :)
When you squat, is it exclusively front squat?

I know Nick loves a good front squat, but it does take a lot of the focus away from the rear leg muscles, and doing a few sets of leg curls every other session isn't really going to make up for it. For SL 5*5, i really think a low bar squat is the best way to go, more of an all rounder exercise.
When you squat, is it exclusively front squat?

I know Nick loves a good front squat, but it does take a lot of the focus away from the rear leg muscles, and doing a few sets of leg curls every other session isn't really going to make up for it. For SL 5*5, i really think a low bar squat is the best way to go, more of an all rounder exercise.

Oh, I do. :D

MoNkeE is bang on here, aside from his perspective and favouring of low-bar diesel lifting. ;) :D
I do both squats, Monday is normal squats, Wednesday is front squats and Friday is normal squats again!

So a bit of a mix up, but really hammers those legs!
Right Thursday was interesting, I had to swap wed with thursday due to having a PT session today to check up on my form, tried to switch it to yesterday(wed) but no luck!

Anyway, we did squats, military press and deadlifts.

Went a little like this (I think he was trying to see what I can do)

Front squat - getting the breathing right on the way down and on the way up really(can't emphasise this enough) helped keep everything together
1 x 8 Bar
1 x 8 x 60 kg
1 x 8 x 80 kg
1 x 5 x 100 kg
1 x 5 x 110 kg
1 x 5 x 110 kg (if i remember rightly!)

Military press
Worked on the form, was arcing my arms too much on the way up so sorted that, didn't get all 5 sets done but did following:

1 x 8 x bar
1 x 5 x 40 kg
1 x 5 x 47.5 kg
1 x 5 x 47.5 kg

Deadlift, this is where it got interesting, he said the form wasn't too bad overall just to concentrate on the breathing which helps me hold everything taught to keep the back straight and not rounded, not to raise too quickly up in the first half of the lift (keeping that angle on the way up)

1 x 5 x 60kg
1 x 5 x 100kg
1 x 5 x 110kg
1 x 5 x 120kg
1 x 5 x 130kg

Lost grip in the last lift of the 130 set so called it a day, So I should definitely be deadlifting more than I'm squatting, so instead of doing 102.5kg like I planned, I'm going to look at 120Kg x 5 x 5, now I feel more comfortable with the form.

Does this sound like a good idea, it's not like I'm upping by a few kg, but rather 20!?

Also got me doing something called farmers walk across the gym, grabbing 36Kg db's in each hand and walking about 15m there and back, my forearms were killing at this point, gripping those was pretty damn hard whilst moving and walking!
Saturday 1st (substitute from friday)

Bench press 75kg x 5 x 5
Squat 70(5) 100(5) 110(5) 110(5) 110(5)
BOR 60(5) 67.5(5) x 4
Pull up x 5 x 2 ,two negative on way down
Farmers walk 36kg DB each hand three times up and down (about 10m so 20 total)
Leg press in between above walks, 160kg x 8 , 160kg x 8, 190kg x 8

Feeling good, squat feels good ( i think , will have to get another video,i've jumped from 102.5 to 110kg, last rep on each set is slow , steady but strong i think (Takes about 2.5s to go from squat to upright) so i think a good weight for 5 x 5
Today felt good, though still think I would benefit from a good rest From sunday till wednesday (days would be wed, sat, sun)

Tuesday 4th feb wk 3
Squat, bar(8) 60(5) 100(5) 110(5) 110(5) 112.5(5) 112.5(5)
Bench, bar(10) 60(5) 80(5) 80(5) 80(5) 80(5)
Bor(annoying 13kg bar), 63(5) 70.5(5) 70.5(5) 70.5(5)
Flat press 26kg x 8 x 3
Dips on pull up machine dips, (6) (7) (6) and one negative (should have 2 or 3 more!)

So I'm making my 2.5kg increases per week, decided not to increase 2.5kg every session as I don't want to be dismayed if I dont make it one week which I think would mentally hurt my progress!
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