training to become an electrician when mature?

i am a time served ,HNC qualified mechanical/multi skilled technician and the only advice i would give you is stay away from factories , they are worse than offices and if you can once time served work for yourself
:D :D :D :D
Deadly Ferret said:
. Expect to pay a significant amount though...

Thats the good thing about being under 19 I payed £90 for the course, And i'm sure some of them go for over £1000. But once your qualified u'll make that money back very quikly.
Chaos said:
Just out of interest what day to day things does a signalling engineer do ?
Is the job varied / rewarding ?

Depends what level you're at but at the basic going and testing electronic equipment ie the signals. Driving a van and being a look-out (warning your colleagues of on coming trains). Then you can work up from there. I suppose the top, is signal design and implementation for new track. Good thing is the rail industry is so large theres uber scope for moving around. Also you will never be made redundant. The company might change name but you'll still have a job and under your old contract (thank the unions). + if your network rail standard 35hr week :)

Oh def varied but I'm maintenance, so not that rewarding as I'm the bottom of the pile. But I'll make my way up. Oh and you better like your tea..
Might look into it, like others I have worked in IT and I hate it, need a change of career to. Its hard finding something to motivate me :(
Sparkie and plumbing are very good trades. You can make a fortune working in London. My old man is a contractor and says he pays a very high wage to people in those trades, considering what some of them done to get where they are.

If the building side of electronics doesn't interest you, look into the micro-engineering side of it. I believe there is somewhat of a shortage in the market for specialists. I do it in college. It's difficult although very interesting.
Chaos said:
Might look into it, like others I have worked in IT and I hate it, need a change of career to. Its hard finding something to motivate me :(

Do it! Most nights I barely get out of my car. I bring my dog with to work and just hang around with the guys drinking tea and playing cards. Only downside is that weekend work is pretty much required.

You get sent on any course you want and the scope for moving around is limitless. My job is guarenteed until the day I die and the pay is excellent. Without trying to willy wave, I pretty much bet that I earn more than any "office" guy on here, and work 500% less hours than they do.

You need a company to sponsor you to do a PTS course. That's a basic 2 day induction course that allows you to do basic work on the tracks. From there you can spesialise and start moving up the pecking order. Most guys on the rails aren't that ambitious so if you show a bit of will and sense, there's really no limit to what you can become.
regulus said:
You need a company to sponsor you to do a PTS course. That's a basic 2 day induction course that allows you to do basic work on the tracks. From there you can spesialise and start moving up the pecking order. Most guys on the rails aren't that ambitious so if you show a bit of will and sense, there's really no limit to what you can become.

Most of the guys are willing to die on IM1 level(the lowest) as long as they don't have any responsibilities there happy.
Holy post revival batman :eek:

Funny, I am an IT bod (analyst programmer) but I am bored to tears with the job and sitting in the office all day - can you believe I ducked out of a place at uni for astronomy? Anyway, after a health scare last year I am seriously reassessing my life and want to get out of the current career 'cause it's just not cool any more to be a web developer (was it ever? ;)) and I really fancied training to be an electrician. The thing is, I earn a good enough wage and have a house/child/wedding/car etc to maintain so I can't really take a pay hit - is there any way I can fit in training with my current situation, ie can I do it at night classes?

I'd like to make the switch and then have a side line in making/modding guitar amps, effects to a decent spec.
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