Transformers.... Robots in Disguise! LOL

Looks pretty cool if somewhat limited in fan mounting sockets... Then again you could zip tie em to this thing if you wanted. I know its more about being open and letting the air flow over it but yeah...more fans would be nice
I also think that is really cool, I would love to build a PC into one. Perhaps next time I do a re-build this case will be on the cards.
Looks so flimsy in that vid

true :) it looks like it was just chucked on the table. The top is wonky the hard drive trays are crooked it looks like its made out of cheap plastic and one Shaggy type sneeze and it would just collapse in on itself as though the God Particle had decided to leave it be !.
Actually looking at it again you could stick it under your desk and rest your feet on it and feel the breeze !

Cool feet.

It does look like something Alan Sugar asked the apprentices to devise and they got it completely wrong as usual.
I like how it looks and it must draw some attention when people come to your house. But if ever I buy one of those, I need to put it in an aquarium (without the water of course) as I have little children with buttery fingers.

I would also put one of these somewhere:
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Looks interesting... I would get one but... if I ever need a 2nd case (considering building a little i3 setup maybe) then I'd probably go for the Corsair C70 over this though :p
love the concept. and price is justified (at least for the manufacturer) by its uniqueness. but something about an open case makes me think of splattered flies all over my rig! small flies always seem to get drawn and stuck onto the mesh of my front intake (2x140mm). at least red leds don't attract bugs lol
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