Transformers Tonight!!

9 Jun 2005
A Beer Garden in the Toon
I'm going to see Transformers tonight and I am absolutely wetting my pants in excitement.

This is the first film in a long time to really get me exited, and I didn't even watch the cartoons as a kid.

I think that this film will really benefit from being directed by the 'Bay'.

Will report back tonight with my thoughts.
Well I just got back from seeing it.

That was the first time in 22 years that I haven't blinked (Blunk?) for 2 hours straight. The film is amazing!

Plenty of transforming, plenty of action, some great humour.

All in all a fantastic film. It just reeks of cool!

I was a little worried about all the names, there is a scene where all the names are introduced and I was afraid I was going to lose track of them all but it kinda becomes not important.

I didn't watch the cartoons as a kid so cant comment on whether Bumble Bee is the wrong kind of car or whether Primes ( :D ) flames are stupid or whatever. All I can say is that they all looked COOL!

I look forward the seeing it again tomorrow night and then the sequel :D
How did you see this? I thought it was maybe an advanced screening or a premier but:

"Advance screenings Sat 21st & Sun 22nd July"
he either works in a cinema or knows someone that does. They often have advance screenings, both to test the print and to let the staff watch it. Its great fun as we used to bring in the beers and pizza and properly enjoy the film ;)
Transformers is one of those things I've never actually watched in my life. I am going to see it out of curiosity.
Saw it tonight and thought it was poor :( Too long, too much boring slo-mo and the music was generic video game rubbish. Maybe I'm getting old....

I'd give it 5/10

Megan Fox gets 9/10
Curio said:
Saw it tonight and thought it was poor :( Too long, too much boring slo-mo and the music was generic video game rubbish. Maybe I'm getting old....

I'd give it 5/10

Megan Fox gets 9/10

You are not getting old - I'm only 21 and I thought it was the biggest pile of dog turd ever.
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