
21 Apr 2004
Balddog said:
Its not a question of me fighting his battles...Its of you messing up the thread by asking the same thing over and over.

Because it's called a discussion. RTM my posts if you feel they shouldn't be there or something. I'm repeating my points because he hasn't answered them enough for me to understand yet. If you're finished with this discussion, fine, don't assume others have.

He hasn't answered my post from the last page, which I was interested to hear his opinion on. :)

squiffy said:
I'm not gay therefore take offence to a gay man touching me and will retaliate with physical force. Why is that so hard to understand If a gay man doesn't want to risk it, why touch up a bloke who of unknown sexuality? If he wants to touch up blokes go to a gay bar, but even then follow protocol.

iCraig said:
You shouldn't take offence because someone is gay and they think you might be to.

As for them risking it to talk to you, thats ridiculous. If you don't like the thought of gay men coming near you, that's your own problem. It doesn't mean you are in the right to attack them if they do.

Let's flip the coin and see if you still agree with what you're saying.

You go upto a girl, and take your chances that she is straight. She tells you that you she is not interested. But you really fancy this girl so you try again, this time gently squeezing her ass as you smile at her (I'm not saying you would, just hypothetically). She then proceeds to attack you, repeatedly punch and kick you until you have a broken nose.

Harsh? Not according to your logic.
17 Oct 2002
iCraig said:
Because it's called a discussion. RTM my posts if you feel they shouldn't be there or something. I'm repeating my points because he hasn't answered them enough for me to understand yet. If you're finished with this discussion, fine, don't assume others have.

He hasn't answered my post from the last page, which I was interested to hear his opinion on. :)

Its just really really tedious...and now you want a response to that? a moment ago you wanted a response to an exact scenario...that exact scenario he had commented on earlier..
18 Oct 2002
Kroegen said:
Well, someone i know is going out with a tranny.

he was adamont that he was not gay at all.

I need some of your opinions on this sensitive topic.
Without reading the rest of the thread, it sounds like you're bs'ing us.

In reply to the question, it doesn't make you gay - it just makes you very perverted.
17 Oct 2002
Balddog said:
Also remember that you lot have been talking non stop about this...and putting every imaginable gayer groping scenario up for discussion...THEN you jump on him for talking about gayers groping :o

PS...Penski...just because I said jump on him doesnt mean im a gayer...right.
21 Apr 2004
Balddog said:
Its just really really tedious...and now you want a response to that? a moment ago you wanted a response to an exact scenario...that exact scenario he had commented on earlier..

If it's getting tedious to you, ignore my posts then or something. I'm not forcing you to read my opinions you know, just skip onto the next post.

Moaning isn't going to make me stop participating. If you think my post should be removed for whatever reason, click the report button.
17 Oct 2002
iCraig said:
If it's getting tedious to you, ignore my posts then or something. I'm not forcing you to read my opinions you know, just skip onto the next post.

Moaning isn't going to make me stop participating. If you think my post should be removed for whatever reason, click the report button.

While you keep rehashing the same points, the discussion cant move on.

I dont want you to stop participating, Id like you to move on to something we havent talked about, in depth, for several pages :dunno:
21 Apr 2004
I'm not holding it up, and you know very well I'm not. It's only you whos saying this is old ground. Maybe it is, I don't know, but I'm entitled to question again if I'm unsure of his earlier response.
17 Mar 2006
iCraig said:
Because it's called a discussion. RTM my posts if you feel they shouldn't be there or something. I'm repeating my points because he hasn't answered them enough for me to understand yet. If you're finished with this discussion, fine, don't assume others have.

He hasn't answered my post from the last page, which I was interested to hear his opinion on. :)

I didn't say "risk it by talking to another guy" I said "risking it by groping a bloke with unknown response" He might have a gun for all you know. Martial artists learn this by not getting into fights into the first place. Distance yourself from it. Groping a bloke will mostly likely have a fairly obvious outcome, unless you're in a gay club. To think otherwise is pretty foolish, no matter if your intentions were just flirting. And he's probably got mates who are drunk also it can only get ugly. All this for a simple bum squeeze.

I did answer it earlier on. I wouldn't take a offense a man talking to me about usual bloke stuff (I have had conversations with gay men btw) nor if he asked me out. But I would if he started touching me up, trying to push his luck/flirting. No means no. And he continues he would deserve a punch to the face. Again what is wrong with a single punch? Granted wouldn't kick him and stuff, that's going to far.

A woman can defend herself like the reverse, like I said earlier. If I received a punch to the face after chatting/getting refused/then groping- pretty much a greasy slimeball- I would only have myself to blame, and generally a full punch from a woman is a light tap. She'll probably get one of her male friends to beat you up. And she can always do the knee in groin to disable a bloke.. oooff :eek:

edit and also because vast majority of rapes are by men towards women I would agree that a woman has every right to be cautious/stop any slimeball.

So either sex can provoke a response by going to far, generally though male/male most likely involve fights, wheras male/female a slap or thrown drink to the face. My point about natural world that men are more prone to physical confrontation, civil laws/society can't get rid of it. ie look at the "norks" thread. And you can't disprove that. Unless you're religious and believe we're totally different to animals, on the basic level when it comes to the basics.
Last edited:
17 Mar 2006
iCraig said:
Exactly, the point I have been trying to make, that assaulting them and causing injury such as broken nose, is over the top from a harmless arse squeeze. :)

A single punch can break your nose, and a single punch is acceptable in the situation I described IMO. Many would go further.

Unless of course you are of a certain sexual persuation and like feeling male bums, and don't want a broken nose. In which case your defense is one of the assaulter POV that it's ok to sexually assault people, and not from the sexually assaulted victim, in which case the victim has a right to stop further sexual assault.

I know a straight guy, in the swimming baths taking a shower, and a gay guy grabbed his balls. The victim just stood there. I wouldn't have been so timid, the guy deserved his face smashing into a toilet.
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