Trapping masturbation ransoms

27 Dec 2005
You've all probably heard of this, whatever it's 'official' name is. There was a fairly interesting but totally non-conclusive documentary on about a news presenter who masturbated on Skype and was held to ransom over the video recorded being released publicly/sent to his friends/family/colleagues etc. This kind of thing:

Instagram seems to have become a festering ground for this type of baiting. I get at least a message a week which I can only assume is the intention.

All that happens when you report the account is they create a new one and carry on, so I've decided to try and bait the baiter; that is, go along with it, and eventually send a fake video of me doing the business. Assuming I'm successful and I get to the ransom stage I presume they'll ask for bitcoin or similar.

How can I get anything on them of substance to forward to the police or whoever? An email would get me an IP, likely behind a VPN anyway. I know a bitcoin address could identify linked accounts but anyone that actually gets held to ransom would have that anyway.

Any OcUK detective suggestions?

PS. I do masturbate on webcam only to be held ransom...
Good chance they'd be outside UK police jurisdiction anyhow and unless a serious crime was committed there would be no interest pursing it at an international level.

If they are any good at what they are doing the only way you'd get any info of substance would either be spending a lot of time and effort to trick them utilising a high level of social manipulation and technical knowledge or having government agency level resources to try and trace their traffic, etc. via international cooperation.

EDIT: Though some are dumb and greedy enough you can lead them on with a whiff of a hint of money.
An email wouldn't give you their IP anyway, not unless they're running their own email server behind their ISP.

Your best bet would be to honeypot them. Here, you subtlety encourage and allow them access to a prepared VM which looks like a real system, where you disguise a remote access tool as some valuable file in the hope that they download it and run it on their own system. You'd need quite a bit of knowledge and experience to properly pull it off safely, ensuring to a reasonable degree the isolation of their access to the VM and not your actual system. If you can't do that, leave it to the many people who already do it on YouTube.
Please dont bother the Police with random info about silly scammers.

Absolutely no prospect of any positive outcome. Block them and get on with your life.
unless you know what you are doing and i would politely suggest that the fact you even posted this indicates you possibly don't then don't bother.
I love collecting these poorly written scam emails.

Good day

Dо not mind оn my illitеrасy, I am frоm India.
I uрlоaded thе maliciоus рrоgrаm оn yоur systеm.

Sinсе thаt mоment I рilfеrеd аll рrivy bасkgrоund frоm yоur systеm. Аdditiоnаlly I havе sоmе morе соmрrоmising evidеnсе. Thе mоst intеrеsting evidеnсе thаt I stоlе- its a vidеоtарe with your masturbаtiоn. I adjustеd virus оn а роrn wеb sitе аnd аftеr yоu loаdеd it. Whеn yоu dесidеd with thе vidео аnd taрpеd on а plаy buttоn, my dеlеtеrious sоft аt оncе sеt up on your systеm. Аftеr adjusting, yоur саmеrа shoоt the vidеotаре with yоu sеlf-аbusing, in аddition it sаvеd рrесisеly the роrn vidео you mаsturbаtеd оn. In nеxt fеw dаys my mаlwаrе collеctеd аll yоur sосial аnd wоrk сontаcts.

If yоu wаnt tо dеlеtе thе reсоrds- pay me 450 еurо in BTC(сryрtоcurrency).
I prоvidе yоu my Btc number - 16Cg8vGVsSKCifCnQboMVpAxJou3phnZp9
You hаvе 24 hours аftеr reading. When I get trаnsfer I will destrоy the vidеotаpе evermorе.
Other way I will sеnd thе tapе to all your cоlleagues and friеnds.

Hi, victim.
This is my last warning.
I writе yоu becаusе I put а mаlwаre оn the wеb рagе with pоrn whiсh yоu hаve visited.
My virus grabbed аll yоur persоnal info аnd turned on your cаmеrа whiсh сaptured thе procеss of yоur onаnism. Just after thаt thе sоft sаved yоur cоntact list.
I will delеtе thе сomprоmising vidеo and infо if you pаy me 600 USD in bitcoin. This is address for рaymеnt : 1Fd5wVoG3at4Setv8QMsXjLhS56FEQ19eH

I give you 30 hоurs after yоu ореn my messagе for making thе transactiоn.
As sоon as yоu read thе mеssagе I'll sее it right аwаy.
It is nоt nеcessаry tо tell mе that yоu have sent mоney tо me. This addrеss is cоnneсted to yоu, my systеm will delete еvеrything аutomаticаlly aftеr trаnsfer cоnfirmаtion.
If you need 48 h just reрly оn this lеttеr with +.
You can visit the poliсе statiоn but nobоdy cаn helр you.
If yоu try to dеcеivе mе , I'll see it right away !
I dont live in yоur country. Sо thеy cаn nоt traсk my loсatiоn evеn fоr 9 mоnths.
Goodbye. Dоnt fоrget about the shame аnd tо ignоrе, Your lifе саn bе ruinеd.

hello, sacrifice.
This is my last warning.
I write you since I buried a trojan on the web site with porno which you have viewed.
My virus captured all your private data and switched on your web cam which captured the act of your solitary sex. Just after that the soft saved your contact list.
I will delete the compromising video and information if you send me 600 EURO in bitcoin. This is address for payment : 1N2SPdwmXRNBrpxh2cxVB6FPaQVrCKbTwJ

I give you 30 hours after you view my report for making the transaction.
As soon as you read the message I'll know it immediately.
It is not necessary to tell me that you have sent money to me. This address is connected to you, my system will delete everything automatically after transfer confirmation.
If you need 48h just answer on this message with +.
You can visit the police office but no one can't help you.
If you attempt to deceive me , I'll know it immediately!
I don't live in your country. So no one can not find my whereabouts even for 9 months.
bye. Don't forget about the disgrace and to ignore, Your life can be destroyed.
You've all probably heard of this, whatever it's 'official' name is. There was a fairly interesting but totally non-conclusive documentary on about a news presenter who masturbated on Skype and was held to ransom over the video recorded being released publicly/sent to his friends/family/colleagues etc. This kind of thing:

Instagram seems to have become a festering ground for this type of baiting. I get at least a message a week which I can only assume is the intention.

All that happens when you report the account is they create a new one and carry on, so I've decided to try and bait the baiter; that is, go along with it, and eventually send a fake video of me doing the business. Assuming I'm successful and I get to the ransom stage I presume they'll ask for bitcoin or similar.

How can I get anything on them of substance to forward to the police or whoever? An email would get me an IP, likely behind a VPN anyway. I know a bitcoin address could identify linked accounts but anyone that actually gets held to ransom would have that anyway.

Any OcUK detective suggestions?

PS. I do masturbate on webcam only to be held ransom...

Sounds like you have it all in hand.
People using the internet who really shouldn't be using the internet, because they don't realise the dangers of posting identifying information on it...
unlike the 419 scams there is less scope for wind ups here...

I mean what are you going to do - find both footage of some random blokes fapping and try to find some of their regular pics too then set up a fake social media account and hope to attract some scammers, you'll also need a bunch of friends too else it isn't worthwhile for the scammers...

seems like a waste of time with relatively little to gain from it
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