Travian UK server 2!

29 Sep 2005
Hi guys,

Just a heads up for those who haven't started a new account.

TravianUK server 2 has recently been opened and I think the OcUK alliance is back up and running.

Just a heads up so that you can get building early on in this one!

My name in game is: Tanith

>Then click register - server 2<


Be whatever tribe you want..

Romans: Good at building and growing quickly - better in the long run
Teutons: Great at spamming troops out early to become dominent in area - slow growth
Gauls: Good at defence from an early stage (traps) less likely to be raided for fear of loosing troops.
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OcUK members are generally in the South East area in case anyone new joins.
Gauls are good for defense, Teutons are good at attack and the Romans are a mix of both.
If you can't log in all that often then you can get someone to be a "sitter" so they can look after your village when you aren't about.
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Start building up your resource fields and also start building a cranny. This will help protect your resources if you are attacked. Also, go to the "Travian Plus" menu on the left had side and use your free gold to increase your resource production by 25%.
Well I've just signed up and followed the advice on here and started out on the South West, but I notice that the OcUK Alliance has a requirement of South East to join. What's that all about then?
Any of you played

I used to be pritty addicted to that game. Started a tribe when i had only 100points and turned it into a family of over 25mil of points with a strong alliance with another family of close to 40mil of points. We covered the whole north of the map pritty much lol. A solid defencive line against our enermyies in the central regions.

I quit though as it was taking over my life lol.
CHokKA said:
Well I've just signed up and followed the advice on here and started out on the South West, but I notice that the OcUK Alliance has a requirement of South East to join. What's that all about then?
Argh, my mistake. I put South West in my original post when it should have been South East. If you've only just started and want to be in the OcUK alliance, quit and start again. Sorry!
Sinque said:
I will never play this game again. Totally stressed me out, constant pressure. Couldn't hak it :p
I've considered stopping playing too.

I've just quit the UK server 1.
I play on the speed 3 french server as the standard servers are just too slow.
I wouldn't go Roman for longterm, its better in the short run but it has a major disadvantage on troops both on quality and build time :)

I gave up after my account got hacked and deleted by some ******* ****.

Wont be playing again, its too addictive, and consumed too much of my time!

Sam C
Is it just me or does the production amounts change dramatically?

6 Wheat fields @ basic rate = 2/hr*6 = 12 wheat units per hour

Upgraded 3 to level 1 so = (5/hr*3)+(2/hr*3) = 21 wheat units per hour.

It showed me a wheat production unit as high as 14 but its currently 9.

Am i going mad or is this part of the game?
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