Trials and tribulations of a new Admin.

Allegedly namesecure have finally done what I asked. Waiting for it to propagate.

And the old G5 has now been turned off for the last time. Removed from the domain, IPs set to DHCP in case someone decides to fire it up again (not that they will!).
Old server removed from the rack this morning, the new one has been running on a desk for a while, but migrated all the VMs off onto a spare ML330 - will rack the new one this afternoon then migrate them all back.

Hurrah for virtualisation!
Been a little while since any updates as had a holiday (came back to all sorts of carnage), and have been trying to get things back on track.

The biggest mess up was the backup, got into a complete mess. I'm putting together a whole new method, instead of individual tapes, a tape library.
I've not had a chance to get back to the cert issue, but I also believe we need a SAN cert instead of the single name one they have supplied :(

We did look at 0365 a little while back, but with the money already invested in the current on premises licence and CALs the business doesn't want to entertain it. Currently there is no redundancy...

It is (touch wood rather reliable, and I do have a DR plan in place to get it back from bare metal in a few hours (involves me popping home and taking the drives out of my VEEAM server which is same model!).
Priorities changes again. The second G5 (second remote desktop server) has restarted 3 times and shut itself down 4 times in 5 days.

So have prevented new connections and everyone is running on the other server (Gen8) and a few people on the brand new VM one I built a while back which is running 2012 R2. Can't have too many people on there though without going shopping for more 2012 RDS CALs.

Very rare do I get a quiet day lol
I do like the apple app for remote desktop with Server 2012 R2. Works very well indeed - which has now earned me some brownie points with managers :D:p
Interesting - HP MSL drivers install nice and easy on Hyper-V server 2012 R2 without issue. When I've installed the Dell equivalent I had to amend the registry to pretend it was regular server 2012 R2 first.
So the dying G5 won't give in. All the services are (I think) transferred off, and to test I shut it down - give it a couple of weeks and if no-one whinges about anything, wipe it (I have a backup of it anyway to retrieve any files hiding there but nowhere else).

So I turned it off. Half an hour it was back on. So I turned it off again. 2 hours later is was back on. Looking at the iLO log it always comes back on exactly on the hour (but not every hour as there was a 2 hour gap for one of them).

The power config is set to not auto power on, the NICs are set to not WOL.

Any idea where else to look?! OS is 2008 R2.
Ghost busters? I'm going straight for Chuck Norris :)

Interesting - we do have spiceworks so will have a dig around.

NTFS is more resilient, but not immune. I don't think it's been looked after very well. It's STILL 35% fragmented and the backups are running horrifically slowly.

Learning curves can be challenging but very rewarding.
If it's a thermal issue I'd expect to see something in the logs? I think the shutdowns/restarts are down to old age, but the turning itself on again on the hour is still stumping me!

The monthly backup is literally everything on the server. Baremetal the works. The idea being restore to the latest monthly then use the dailys to bring it up to date.

I think it's the fragmentation doing it as it really is in a complete mess :(
To try and clear space to help with defragging I've been archiving old user accounts - found a folder of profiles from server 2003 days.

129 folders, and at least four of the former users are dead. None in service, but 2 cancer, one old age and one murdered. Not sure why but that made me think a bit.
We have hundreds of the same files saved in different places - 300+ sometimes.

It's a business policy to do this but it's now been agreed to use a shortcut instead. Is there an easy way for me to replace these files with a shortcut to a central copy of it?

Yes I know dedupe would help, but it's on a 2008 server and will be for the time being

thanks :)
Just changing two of the files for shortcuts will save 6GB...

I'm no script kiddy :( I've found something that replaces a files with an identical file (the intention being to update to latest version) but can't find anything to swap one file for another :(
Still not figured out how to swap the files :(

Got another one though - there's a printer attached to one server that I need to change the permissions on - except the owner is system (which appears to be normal) but administrator has no permission apart from take ownership.

How can I get administrator more permissions? Thanks :)
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