Trouble installing, random cd read failures.

18 Oct 2002
"Sunny" Plymouth
Trying to install a machine, all new hardware, but it gives me random cd read failures when copying files in the first stage of the install.

The file it fails on is different every time. I've tried 3 xp discs (one a fresh burn) and two optical drives (even though the one in the machine is new)

I've tried about 15 times so far using different uses of the ide lead, different drives, different discs and nothing is working.

What have i missed? Is this a symptom of something else being duff?

i know you say its a new machine, is it clocked at all?

I had this issue before when overclocked too high, which i tought was stable as it was windows stable and gaming stable. But re-installing it would fail when copying the files over. and like you at different points.
howiepoohs said:
Could be a memory issue. Try swapping the ram sticks out during the install. Or try using slower memory speeds.
PieMaster said:
Memtest it, i've had machines do the same thing when they had a dodgy stick in them.

Memtest'd, all clear, not clocked (not going to be, ram is at 266)

Datamonkey said:
i know you say its a new machine, is it clocked at all?

I had this issue before when overclocked too high, which i tought was stable as it was windows stable and gaming stable. But re-installing it would fail when copying the files over. and like you at different points.

Not clocked, but i'll try pulling the ram back to 200 see if that makes a difference.

back in a mo!
SOB, was duff ram, swapped with my main rig, installed fine!

And managed to crash and corrupt my main rig, so now i've got to reinstall that one too! ARGH!!!
lol unlucky dude,

but glad you have gotten to the bottom of it.

As said above, you know what will happen now.

You will order replacement ram. your card will be declined for a stupid reason even though you have money on it and they have take it.

You will then get the order sorted for your parts to be lost.

Ang on no, thats the story of my new laptop purchase from hp lol :D
^^ means ANOTHER rma for me :(

Just reinstalling my rig and it won't do a repair! noooooo!
Fails on the same file each time so i'm guessing something is seriously fubar with the install now :( Won't even copy the files from a folder on the drive :( bum.

It's quite happy to do a fresh install in another folder, but won't fix the old one. It's going to be a long week.
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