Trump destroyed my marriage.

25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Your stop the planet tag is quite appropriate :s

Of late I've realised loonies gonna loony and best I can do is try and isolate myself from the impact of it as much as possible and hope they destroy each other without too much collateral.

You might hope. But there are so many innocent victims in these stories. I'm only part way through and my heart bleeds for some of the husbands in the accounts so far! The media and echo chambers in the USA seem to be 24/7 "With us or against us" Identity Politics. It's like some vortex of hate and righteousness, sucking people in.
Tbf, I could never be with someone who thought Trump was a good thing.

Aside from whether you should throw away a marriage over a difference of political opinion, so far we have: a woman seeking divorce because their husband staying home and looking after the kids whilst she goes to protest meetings "isn't doing enough to oppose Trump"; another objecting because her husband asked her how much she was spending on poster boards in her anti-Trump campaigns and is "a privileged White male". One who initially dated her husband because she wanted to get revenge on a guy who raped her by "getting someone like my rapist (i.e. White and Conservative) to like me" and after she'd married him then blames him for being both those things. Or the liberal, therapist husband who questions his wife about "how do you feel now?" for having voted for Trump after every negative news story.

Seriously, this is horrifying. I had to check Wikipedia to make sure this wasn't a parody site.
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It is an interesting one - I had the beginnings of a relationship with a girl - we generally saw eye to eye so to speak but she was rabidly anti-gun while I'm relatively pro-gun (aslong as proper controls are in effect) and it completely came between us.

Were you willing to pursue the relationship despite her having a different opinion on it? And was the reverse true?
It is a difficult one and I don't really have my head around it. I mean I respect anyone's right to that opinion but I absolutely can't agree with it let alone come around to that perspective on the other hand it was a complete "deal breaker" for her - there was no way she'd accept let alone understand it.

(Like a couple of other relationships looking back I can't see how they'd worked out in the long run - bit easy to get in over your head in younger years and ignore the obvious signs :s).

I'm sorry to hear that. In part I was checking my cognitive bias as I found myself assuming that it was her that considered it a deal breaker and that you were probably more open to agreeing to disagree. I had that expectation because it's my experience it's more typically the Left-Wing that demand agreement or get out. Wanted to check if I was being biased or not. Either way, sucky situation.
It's not really surprising, the far left have become brainwashed into thinking they're fighting some kind of holy war and are extremely intolerant towards anyone whose views aren't the same as their own. It's the same sort of mindset as ISIS terrorists tbh, both believe they're fighting for some greater good and anyone who isn't with them is therefore an infidel.

God save me from the righteous. They scare me more than anyone.

That articles a dailymash parody surely?

Sadly not. I got part way through the first case study and had to stop to look up the website and check. I think it was the part where a woman blamed her husband because she was "effectively a single parent" whilst he was on tour in Iraq. As a commentator pointed out, she was okay accepting his cheques that he sent back from risking his life out there. Not to trivialize that it can be hard waiting at home and worrying but to put it on him like that and then use it as an argument why he should be supporting her more in her anti-Trump organizing to make up for what he did... This is what happens when the media is 24/7 bombarding people with messages that they're fighting some kind of new Hitler.
Pretty sure plenty of people voted Trump without necessarily endorsing all of his views.

There's also the matter of agreeing on what his views are. If you follow some mass media and frequent numerous online echo chambers, you'll believe Trump is a White Nationalist KKK-supporting election-stealing monster. And deny anything to the contrary. I remember a photo of Trump with a KKK member - hundreds of thousands of retweets. I posted the original which showed he was actually standing next to a Black guy at the time who had been photoshopped out and replaced with the KKK member. Got maybe a thousand retweets and probably mostly by different people who'd retweeted the fake version. One person actually replied to say it was right to fake evidence of him being racist because otherwise people might not believe he was.

They live in a different reality and can't see any contradiction other than racists trying to trick them.
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