Trying to remember a website...

1 Jan 2007
Hope somebody can help me with this one - I'm trying to remember a website I frequented a few months ago. It was dedicated to finding deals on mobile phones from various online shops, mostly of the cashback variety. I think it was a forum rather than a webpage however. I also think it may have had the word 'box' in the url, but not sure about that.
Very vague I know, but thanks for any help.
The above one here i think is the best around, nice and clean and covers most of the cashback deal, although it doesn't covere e2save though i think off the top of my head...
djcj said:
It does provide all deals on e2save
Oh, i only say that because it didn't for me when i was checking around recently. Either way its a very well put together site, and it manages to keep up to date more so than the t-mobile website!
Those are both good sites, better than the one I remember tbh. Was more an annoying - 'oh, what was that site' kind of thing. Thanks for the links tho.
Anyone had much experience with these rebate kind of companies?
I think i'm going to go with i've heard good and bad things about them, but its 50/50 so its probably worth the risk.

From what i've read around Phones 2 you direct, and mobilebox are to be avoided, but most others are fine as long as you stick to the T&C's to the letter :)
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