Trying to stop blisters during indoor football

2 Aug 2004
Hi all,

I play 5 a side indoor football each week and the balls of my feet develop blisters, which also tear during the game. Quite painful as the tissue underneath is red raw sometimes.

I've tried quite a few things to stop this from happening, including:
  • Playing in fitted running trainers, rather than hard surface football boots/trainers
  • Two pairs of stocks (padded anti blister running stocks beneath football socks)

Anyone know of any other solutions? Any plain looking indoor football boots that are known to be well padded?
I got this until I changed trainers, you need something that stops your feet rubbing as that's what causes it. Must say I never got them on the balls of my feet, it was usually the sides or on the toe itself.
I had terrible blisters, I blamed the combination of astroturf shoes with little to no cushioning and cheapy nylon football socks. Switched to my running shoes and some cotton running sock and was much better.
Cotton socks and light weight trainers that fit.

I fix blisters by cutting them open straight away, letting them drain then putting a plaster on for a day or two.
Thanks for the help so far guys, I'll look at some different socks and trainer combos.

Do the blisters form right along the metatarsals of mainly under the 1st?

Just the first.

I've had gait analysis before and I over pronate, I'm not sure if this is linked.

I had stopped playing for about a year and have recently started playing again over the last four weeks, I can't recall having this issue before. Someone else suggested that the gap in playing has made my skin softer and it may take a while for it to harden after repeated playing?
Vaseline, and lots of it.

This time of year blisters are a nightmare because the pitches are so hard, but Vaseline pretty much cures them.

I've also got some blister socks that are a thin cotton layer inside a normalish sports sock. They work really well but the double layer doesn't cover my big toe which is where I get most problems.
One of the reasons I just flat out avoid indoor football.

I bought a pair of Sambas and used them but always get blisters too.
Suffering from these to. Just brought some running socks and playing for the first time tonight in them but after you saying they don't work I'm not so confident now.

Will try talcum powder next week.
Someone else suggested that the gap in playing has made my skin softer and it may take a while for it to harden after repeated playing?

I've certainly found that to be the case.

Suffering from these to. Just brought some running socks and playing for the first time tonight in them but after you saying they don't work I'm not so confident now.

Running socks under my footballs socks certainly help me. What you want to avoid is friction between the foot and your sock/shoe. You should find that well fitted running socks are less prone to movement and should limit that friction. A well fitted shoe with suitable cushioning also helps in this regard.
Just the first.

I've had gait analysis before and I over pronate, I'm not sure if this is linked.

I had stopped playing for about a year and have recently started playing again over the last four weeks, I can't recall having this issue before. Someone else suggested that the gap in playing has made my skin softer and it may take a while for it to harden after repeated playing?

The skin will definitely get harder after a while and it shouldn't be too bad. The over pronation won't be helping at all, as I assume (obviously can't look at your foot) the first met is taking a lot more of your weight than it should.

If nothing else works maybe look in to getting something supportive for your shoes. A lot of the off the shelf ones are pretty awful really. Some shops do sports customs for a reasonable (when compared to orthotics) price.
Pop Into your local chemist and get some compeed, the blister ones. Apply to your feet a good few hours before your game so that they stick to your feet properly with no sweat. They cost about 4 quid for 5. I then put 2 on each for, one of which covers the area that gets the blister and the other one I over lap it so it goes up the inner side of your foot, this stops the other one slipping.

Then I wear 2 pairs of socks. Life is bliss on a Sunday now when we play after work.
GUYS. I suffered with blisters for a loooong time and tried everything, ALAS, I find out that I have a HIGH ARCH and simply swapped the insoles in my cleats for arch support insoles NOT orthotics. Costs like $25. Never suffered from painful blisters again, also, I can stand for longer with out pain.
Trainers that fit is the most important thing, if the blisters appear in the same spot put plasters on before you play to give a bit of protection.
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